Batman & Robin: 25th Anniversary


Overall, I would argue Batgirl is the worst part of the film. Arnold is trying to ham it up with the ice puns. Uma is trying to being hammy. Clooney is just boring and given nothing to work with. Robin is trying. But everytime Alicia Silverstone opens her mouth…ugh. She’s like Lisa Simpson - no one asked! She gets on this feminist tirade against Ivy. The whole berating about Alfred. And it’s Alicia Silverstone. Outside of Clueless she’s never done anything else, critically well or well by fans.

I know this wouldn’t fix the movie 100% but cut Batgirl completely from the film. Robin is still relatively new, given he did not become Robin until the final act of Forever. Plus, we have the plot of him & Batman getting together. Let’s lay the foundation for Batman & Robin first, their relationship and everything BEFORE we throw another monkey wrench!


Lisa is my favorite Simpson…


:joy: “Why, its Lisa Simpson! Springfield’s answer to a question no one asked!”

Love that episode.

She probably likes Batman & Robin, riddled with faults as it is, and can enjoy its charms and positives.


EXACTLY! You knew precisely what I was referring to lol


I have The Simpsons on my brain 25 hours a day, so yeah, I got what you were sayin’. :superman_hv_4:

Lisa might not like Batman & Robin, though. Remember her kinda-sorta assessment of The Postman?

“Ooh, I hear this really sucks.”

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