Batman 1989 (Movie)

NO! We just adhere to the Internet Party and their interests. They know what is best for me and you!


:smile: The Internet Party can kiss my feet (among other parts), as I’m perfectly capable of making up my own mind and will never drink their Kool-Aid.

If I enjoy Dial of Destiny (and I likely will), then I do.

Tough cheese if fanboys/girls don’t like someone not buying into their “But, you have to hate it!” mentality, as this guy is a free-standing and free-thinking Gotham-born Kryptonian who likes what he likes, regardless of what anyone else thinks.

Goooo, Dial of Destiny! :partying_face:


I only ask those questions when my first initial gut feeling on a movie is not good, and then I hear the internet’s reactions. Take Morbius for example; when that first trailer dropped, everybody was all excited and stuff, but I just wasn’t feeling it. Part of me knew the movie was going to be crap, and I waited to see the first reactions and screenings, only to find out I was right. It was absolute garbage.

That’s why I ask sometimes. It’s because I want to confirm if my money is going to be well-spent or just wait for streaming


I miss it here so much. Every time I pop in… makes me miss my peepers working properly even more.

@DC89 I love that scene too. The “108 pound” comment doesn’t sit well with some people, but I think they’re missing an important aspect of Bruce’s personality. He’s super literal. Maybe a tad neurodivergent (I’d say the same thing and have absolutely zero intention of body shaming). “My back hurts because I had to fall 50 feet. This thing is rated for 300 pounds. Next time a gang of dudes try to mow us down with a car, be precise.”

@Vroom Haters gonna hate. I liked Crystal Skull. It’s gonna take a complete disaster for me to not find Dial entertaining.


You dare return to the dark days? Before our experts on Twitter and social media? Before Rotten Before the oppression of free individual thought?


I will say this line doesn’t really work or at all pay off from Batman in The Flash


He asks the question, they gave him a weight and that’s it. Batman says nothing about it afterwards. It’s possible Barry is honest unlike Vicki. Plus, what if he did lie? “You weight a little more than” and what is Barry, a dude gonna say? Men aren’t exactly as self-conscience about their weight.


You bet!

I’ve been online since January of 1996, so I’m a bit more experienced in the online fan communities of my various fandoms than the kids on Twitter (who are often not actual comic fans and just want something to ***** about) and elsewhere who think they are the sole, supreme voice for something, which they are not, never have been and never will be.

I remember when RT was just a simple site that got next to no press. Its far, far too overvalued in the modern movie climate.

Now, you want to talk real sites of use, when I was a teen in the late '90s, Ask Jeeves, Movieweb and Infoseek were the bomb dot com, and that’s the way we liked it! :smile:

I like Crystal Skull, too.

It certainly has faults, but overall, its a fun adventure (the jungle chase scene is :kissing: :pinched_fingers:t2: and then some) and it was a better fourth movie outing for Lucasfilm than a certain other fourth movie of theirs, nine years prior.

Agreed. Its directed by James Mangold (someone I doubt most of the social media complainers are familiar with to any substantial degree), so you know its guaranteed to have some element of worthwhile entertainment value.


Back to the world of Burton’s Batman…

Here’s a fun featurette that debuted on the Special Edition DVD of Batman (and has been ported over to its Blu-ray and 4K releases as well), released in 2005:


I totally gave up looking on RT. Idk about any of you, but I’ve noticed that the critic reviews are very one-sided. I always followed the Audience scores because they felt more honest about their experience with films, but after noticing the current The Little Mermaid, and seeing that the audience scores went from nearly 40% and now all of a sudden it’s at 94%. Really? Everybody who watched it apparently “loves it”. I gave up following RT since then


What? No! The Internet decides what’s true and what is not. Say you’re a Superman fan, pft. I bet your Superman doesn’t fight for ‘Stalin, Socialism and the International Expansion of the Warshaw Pact!’ lol


Flash spoilers!

he’s not dead. even if he and Supergirl did die, Barry’s gonna be hanging out with the JL and mention that he just walked off and let Zod destroy that Earth and the others are gonna be like WTF and make him take them back to save everybody. #notcanon


might want to blur that spoiler!


I used to look at the fan rating on IMDb to determine what people around the world, not just North America, thought of a movie. The Little Mermaid would have a 72% audience score. But it, not unlike RT, has become a home of trolls and people just parroting what critics say.


That is many sites.

Part of it is the economy is not very good for wants like movies. That makes critics more important, since your typical person is more careful about what they watch now and check the critics.

The ones who then go online want to talk about the movie they did not see and justify not seeing it, so they parrot negative critic reviews.


I hope you’re right. :face_holding_back_tears: It hit me pretty hard when he died. Legit tears when I was coming out of the theater with BFF89.


There is sooo much of this on the interwebz. :flushed: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: We even have a few clients who movie geek on YouTube who do this. Crazy part is that they get legit sub numbers and solid engagement. I’m like “Why would I listen to you? You haven’t even seen the picture.”


Director of Ford v Ferrari, one of my favorite movies of all time.


While I subscribe to that mentality, I also adopted the following when it comes to certain folks on YouTube:

“Why should I listen to you? You’re only talking about these figures because you got them for free.”


“Why do you buy DC (among other brands) figures? You’ve said on-camera that you don’t read comic books and you’re only buying the thing because it looks cool and you want to photograph it. What happens after the looks wear off and you’ve photographed it?”

Sits back and sighs.

First-world annoyances I know, but darn it, they’re still annoyances. :smile:


Everybody saw this in the movie, right?

:smiley: :00_batman_1989: :purple_heart:


I’ve seen Batman 1989 & Batman Returns, but not Flash.:slightly_smiling_face: