Batman 1989 (Movie)

This is my first buy back, but I’m watching a few on eBay. Specifically Arctic, Deep Dive, and Powerwing. They’re all more significant purchases. They’re also the three with most nostalgia for me.

Query: is this the same mold Kenner used for Penguin in Super Powers seven years earlier? Very similar in my memory, but I don’t have a side-by-side comparison. I do now remember having both has a kid, and thinking they were very “same.”


Oooh, Arctic and Deep Dive Batmen, two of my favorites. Good luck in getting them!

As for Penguin, he is indeed a reuse of his Super Powers form, as was the basic Batman body and, from The Dark Knight Collection, Sky Escape Joker.

While SP Batman and Joker were retooled into their Keaton-era counterparts with new heads (and suit details for Batman) and without their Power Action features, all Penguin had different from his SP iteration was a new paint job and a hole in his back for his umbrella launcher, so he could fly with it.

Speaking of…

His umbrella launcher is a slightly modified version of Crime Attack Batman’s projectile launcher, while Penguin’s umbrella top is the only newly-tooled element the figure offered.


It’s not surprising the same molds were used. It is surprising they were still at Kenner to use again after so many years.


This is great!

Ya know, I see the hats around for a cool $40 from time to time. I’ve never picked one up because they’re kinda floppy, and they make me look like the mugger at the beginning of the movie.

I don’t need the attention with all the grumpy police officers in my area.


Kenner knew how to get a lot of intelligent reuse from old tooling.

Just look at their line for Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

Its a hodgepodge of this and that from assorted lines, including Super Powers.


My fave will always be the reuse of the Ewok Village as Sherwood Forest Playset.


Ah, the Ewok Village.

My dad and I nabbed that at a garage sale around 1990 or so for about ten bucks.

A year later, I was in Shopko, saw the Sherwood Forest set and as I looked it over, I said to myself (Old Biff in Back to the Future Part II-style) “There’s something very familiar about this.”

Kenner’s Robin Hood line was where then-8-year-old me began to understand the highs and lows of reuse in toy lines.

Who says action figures and their related products can’t teach kids anything?

How do you like them apples, building blocks and other “educational” toys?

“Applesauce, b****!” :metal:t2: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Regarding Kenner reuse/reissue on a Burton-related level, I remember when I saw the Batman Returns reissue of the Dark Knight Collection’s Turbojet Batwing at Walmart on a center aisle display in late 1992 (maybe early '93? :man_shrugging:t2:).

Kid Vroom stood there and thought to himself “What the hell is this? That wasn’t in Batman Returns, it was in the last one.”

Once more, I was edumacated on why companies reuse existing vehicles, even if they’re not in the entertainment a given line is based on.

Adult Vroom would very much like a boxed Turbojet Batwing at some point. On that note, he’s going to be a good boy (by and large :smiling_imp:) and see what Santa will bring him this year.

Or maybe I’ll write Tim Burton a letter to see if he’ll buy me one…:grin:

Also: The Burton Batmobile is in the new issue of World’s Finest.

Go buy a copy of the book to see it for yourself, kids. :nerd_face:


I see no similarity. Y’all crazy.



“Ned, you so crazy!”


When Alexander Knox said there’s 8 sightings of Batman under a month, this scene makes both Batman & Alexander Knox an interesting characters that you wanted to know more about them.
We know Batman’s history really well. But what about Knox? Why so interested in the sighting of Batman? What was it that caught his interest for the first time? Did he really waited til the 8th sightings to finally do the story?
Well for whatever reason, having Alexander Knox in the film help make Batman more interesting. It would’ve been cool to see like a prequel comic that take place before the movie on some characters like Knox. :slightly_smiling_face:



I had never really thought about it. But seeing as how Knox mentions 8 sightings in under a month (and how he’s chasing the story pretty hard), Vicki Vale showing up because of Batman, and Gordon’s relationship (or lack thereof) with Bats…

This would have to be a year one story.

He was news!


some cool Burtonverse images from my Pinterest




it is incumbent upon me however to point out that Batman’s chest emblem and torso armor sculpt is incorrect for the Catwoman epoch



OR is it a glimpse of how amazing it would’ve been if Burton had requested the same Batsuit from '89 to be used in Returns? :face_with_monocle:



Earth-89-B :exploding_head:


Two interesting tweets from Batman Anthology Daily

(The 30th anniversary of Returns is this month!)


Official Christmas 2022 RAL (read along). :smiley: :+1: :00_batman_1992: :00_batman_1992: :00_batman_1992:

Also: B’Man Returns turns 30 in just sixteen more days.


:00_batman_1989: x. IRL .x
#vhsdreamsforever :vhs:


:00_batman_1989: :00_batman_1992: