Android & Kindle Update - Patch Released!

Welcome @DaX05!!! I can’t wait to see you around!!! :+1:t3:

Was fine before today’s update now not getting points from comics.

@Applejack what if you’re not sure how many tokens you were supposed to receive but didn’t? I use android devices and roku. When I did read a comic or watch something but didn’t receive tokens, I never kept count on the missing tokens.

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What if I’ve submitted a ticket and have not received any response since Wednesday? Same thing happening again, uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times now. Read comics, no points unless I flip through them multiple times for it to register.


I’ve noticed that’s happening to me too when I read comics. Everything else is fine. I’ve also uninstalled/reinstalled on both my phone and tablet. :confused:

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Have Uninstalled and installed multiple times but my rewards page is still stacked and unable to click on anything to read or watch from the reward page…looks like this

Hi kevin- oh no! For all technical issues, can you please submit a ticket to our support team at They’ll be able to take a look :slight_smile: Thank you!

Fast follow-up: If you would like to provide us your device information we can see about recreating this issue on our end.

Also: Please try clearing your Chrome cache and see if this does the trick :slight_smile:

We can estimate what your daily cap was against what you earned that day. If you are not hitting your daily cap as a result of missing tokens caused by reading comics, we can reimburse for that gap through technical support at

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We are addressing tickets as quickly as possible, but if you can provide us your ticket number, we can follow up directly and get a sense of where they are at in the queue. Please bear in mind we are still working on a broader fix for this issue; however, your report to the Support team will help us measure the severity of this issue as well as resolve any reimbursements due to you for not hitting your daily token cap.

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Unfortunately I’m still experiencing rewards issues on my Android phone after having uninstalled and reinstalled the app.

Update: I also tried Force Close and Clear Cache and I’m still experiencing that issue.


Thank you for letting us know, @batman_inc! If this error has caused you to miss your daily token limit, please reach out to our technical support team for a reimbursement: . In the meantime we are working on releasing a patch that should have this issue resolved within a week.

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Thank you, silly question…but what is the token limit? Currently I’ve got a slight work around for earning my comic tokens by reading them through my Xbox app. And thank you for the reply, I’ll be patiently waiting for that update when it’s ready.

Same. Not when I comment only with comics on the android. It works on my TV and laptop for reading comics. I’ve done all of the above steps but none of them worked.

The daily token limit is roughly 35 tokens/day :slight_smile: Not a silly question at all, and I’m glad you found a temporary workaround!


Hey all, a heads up that a patch is rolling out as I type for the Rewards token issue. Please let us know if you notice a difference!

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Android User

Got update

Read comic

Got points for reading
For first time in long time



So, I’m still not getting any credit for comics I read.

(this may be a separate issue, but since around Monday I have not been able to access the rewards page AT ALL. I am still getting points for videos watched though.

I’m having the same issue as far as suddenly being unable to access the rewards pages, especially “earn” and “redeem.” It’s been telling me there’s “scheduled maintenance” happening for two days.

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