Your 2022 DC Report Card

comics A+ worlds finest is great batman is really good batman vs robin is good
and the other comics have been fun to.
dci is great I got to read more then I would have otherwise A+
the batman movie B+ it was okay I hope batman gets a robin in the next movie


FR!!! Why is DC so afraid to give live-action Batman movies a Robin?! Batman & Robin was a fluke!


It is the short shorts.


robin hasn’t had those in a long time


This costume gets hot otherwise. That is why I keep them.


I heard robert wants jason to be his robin he doesn’t look good in short shorts


Is that true? You seem like the best judge of this.

I think my son rocks any look.


I… am just now hearing about this.

I mean I would be over the moon if that were true, but don’t worry, I don’t think they’ll go with the shorts, especially in Matt Reeves’ universe. At this point the shorts are considered old school while most modern day versions give the Robins pants which is more practical.

EDIT: Okay I have looked everywhere for an article and there is no mention of this at all. All I can find is that Reeves did not intend for the Mayor’s son to become Robin at all, and if Robin will show up, it’s likely going to be Dick Grayson because Reeves is going for comic book accuracy (aside for Riddler of course). That’s all I got.


Remember, DC rarely calls major shots on the outside media, as DC Comics is a comic book publisher.

Warner Brothers Pictures and/or Television (depending on which medium you’re talking about), that is who you want to address your Robin concerns to. :wink:


After some reflection, and I wrote this only a day or two ago, this was a bit harsh on my part. The “Worlds Without a Justice League” one shots were actually very well done, in my opinion. Also, Daniel Sampere’s art was phenomenal in the main book. It’s featured some amazing spreads so far, with I’m sure more to come in the final issue this week. Granted I don’t like the absence of the Justice League, but characters like Jon Kent, Damian Wayne, and Nightwing have really had a chance to stand out during this event. Josh Williamson said in interviews that his goal was to emphasize legacy in the DC Universe, and I think he accomplished that here. I’m going to revise my take on this, and up the comics grade to an A- :slightly_smiling_face:.

Sorry for the flip-flop!


No apology is needed, friend-o. We all change our opinions as things either appeal more or less to us over time, so you’re welcome to flip the flop! :grin:

SN: Sampere’s art in the main DC series is great, and for me, its major high-point.


you need to look for things about robert wanting jason as robin not matt reeves
@TheWifeOfJasonTodd I don’t think matt cares


I don’t know how to shere a link but there are a lot of things talking about it robert wants jason to be 13 in the movie and also likes death in the family @TheWifeOfJasonTodd


The Good

Sandman: We could talk about other DC Comics based media, but for me this blows everything else right out of the water. Not just a highlight for DC Comics adaptations this year but a highlight for TV in general. Looking forward to season 2, hope they don’t pull an American Gods on us.

The DC Pride Special: A little surprised at how much this ended up being one of my top comic book experiences of the year. DC’s been slowly starting to out-do their competitors in this arena, and I hope they keep it up. I loved the Connor Hawke story and the Kevin Conroy story is maybe the most emotionally affecting thing I read all year.

The Nice House on the Lake: I’m surprised I haven’t seen it mentioned here, as this unsettling and topical horror story is the comic I most eagerly await each month. I don’t know if it will age well but nothing I’ve seen captures the anxiety of being alive on this planet in the 2020s like this did. Hope it sticks the landing. Although I guess it’s creator owned now, so maybe it doesn’t count? If anyone at DC is reading this, greenlight more stuff like this.

As a huge fan of the original Super-Sons run, this year was actually a pretty good one for content of young Jon Kent. I have a huge amount of respect for what Tom Taylor is doing with the character but I really prefer the dynamic from before the time jump. So getting crumbs in some anthology comics and the new animated film was appreciated.Incidentally, the seasonal anthology comics don’t get enough appreciation.

Wayne Family Adventures: the breakout hit of 2021 continues strong for 2022, and looks like it’s not losing steam anytime soon. I also like what I’ve seen of the other DC webtoons and will continue to watch this space closely.

Chip Zdarsky’s Batman: Loving this so far. Failsafe is a memorable and terrifying new villain, and I hope we see writers bring old stuff like the Batman of Zur-en-Arrh back. Also it’s great to see Tim Drake getting the spotlight, capping off what’s been an excellent year for him. I’ve always been a huge fan of Tim and it seems like DC’s really interested in moving this character in some new directions, and I’m glad to be along for the ride. Consider this a blanket mention for everything Tim was in this year too.

Joshua Williamson’s Robin run: A good year for Damian too, and I hope we’re moving to a place where both Damian and Tim have a clear path all for themselves in the DCU. Fingers crossed, but it’s worth being optimistic in my opinion.

World’s Finest: A truly great team-up, and I’m not talking about Batman and Superman, I’m talking about Mark Waid and Dan Mora. Fans have been loving it, and it’s easy to see why. Apart from the great creative team this series has excelled at two things: painting with love characters from across the DCU and quick, breezy pacing. The latter is something both DC and the industry as a whole should take note of: it’s crazy how much gets packed into every issue.

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing: A little hesitant to put this one on the list because we’re only 3 issues in and we don’t know a lot of the mysteries yet so it’s entirely possible the ending on this will let me down. But I’ve been intrigued by those mysteries more than anything else (except for Nice House on the Lake) and the backups are really something special. It’s weird to like the backups more than the main comic itself but they’re genuinely the best writing I’ve seen or the Joker in years. They’re funny in a way few pieces of Joker media are these days and I think if more writers wrote him like this fans would get over their fatigue of the character.

Blue Beetle : Graduation Day: We’ve only got one issue of this so far, but the fact that this series is being published at all is a huge W for fans.

The Bad:

I love the collectible miniature game Heroclix. 2022 was the first year since the game started in 2002 where 365 days went by without a new DC comics expansion set. We’re getting one the first week of January but it’s becoming clearer and clearer that we need more DC stuff in the game. As excited as I am for the Batman Team-Up set it feels like several DC sets crammed into one that could each use more breathing room. People on Heroclix forums have been complaining about this for months but Wizkids doesn’t get to make the call on this, DC does. So I’m asking on a DC forum: Please give us more Heroclix content with DC characters.


I want to quote this…

…because its one of the best short and to the point write-ups I’ve read concerning DC’s best new ongoing (and ongoing in-general, new or otherwise) of 2022.

I absolutely cannot wait to see what 2023 has in store for World’s Finest, as I’m sure DC’s best ongoing will be braver and bolder in the new year.

SN: Cool Points to whoever finds the subtle nod to another Mark Waid book in the above. If you need a clue, its an ongoing that debuted in 2007 and was penciled by George Perez.


Shazam trailer: A
Blue Beetle poster: A
Batgirl getting cancelled: F-


This deserves an even lower grade. I’ll give it a G


I’ll give it a Z-


Ooooo even better :+1: