Worst Superhero Costume Design


Idk why it bugs me so much. I match my outfits down to my socks & underwear. Must be the Italian in me, but I love mason I just can’t take that color clash it’s aesthetically displeasing.

djd no defense for Nightwing. Even his action figure has the mullet


Haha absolutely guilty as charged.

I’ve got to say, maybe not the least practical (although it looks like leather, so it restricts movement a bit), but one of the ugliest costumes I’ve seen is Barbara Gordon’s current Batgirl costume that she got halfway through Batman Eternal. It’s horrible and makes her look like a 15 year old girl when she’s supposed to be in her mid-20’s.


Dr. Manhattan


Scattershot are you blue naked butt shaming?


Kristjan I think you’re talking about this costume. It’s cute, but absolutely does de-age her to 15. to me it looks like something she would have created when she first donned a cape in a dyi effort. In any event, this only lasted a couple of years and now she’s back to a more traditional look


Scattershot is not the only critic of Dr Manhattan’s costume



Not the worst, but I’ll always think Forestorm looks stupid.

Powergirl. All those bouncing boosems have got to so terribly painful.

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Who says they bounce. Regards your f physical action, (flying, fighting, even walking) they almost always retain the cleavage symmetry. The uniform is essentially a compression material.

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Tie between Kara’s and Kal’s all blue tights and Ralph Dibny’s all grey tights.

I don’t dislike Firestorm’s costume, but it is very much a creation of the late 70s, early 80s. And even updates seem not to stray too far from that origin


As for Power Girl’s costume. I think this is a classic great look. White tunic, offset by red cape, and blue gloves and boots. Would like to see her used more in the DCU.

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The creeper has a pretty bad costume

In my opinion this Batman suit just doesn’t seem charming to me.

Supergirl8 creeper’s costume is weird. It can have an eerie look with some artist, but like this not so much

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Creeper’s costume is awesome

Meanwhile in the 90’s…

“Guys, the old look’s kinda outdated, so let’s give Wonder Woman biker shorts and a tiny leather jacket and call it a day. What could possibly go wrong?”