World of Wonder | Week 47 | Tiny Titans ('10) #1 | Jun. 17-23

World of Wonder Week 47!

:sparkles: Tiny Titans :sparkles:

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World of Wonder will be reading Tiny Titans for our tiny week. As this is a shorter “week” than usual, we will only be reading one issue. Hope you can join us!

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When: 2020-06-17T07:00:00Z2020-06-23T07:00:00Z

What to read: TINY TITANS (2010-) #1


  1. What did you think of Donna and Cassie in this issue?

  2. Is Tiny Titans a series that you’d want to keep reading with the club?

  3. What were some of your favorite moments?

:nerd_face: Share your thoughts on the reading overall and let’s discuss :nerd_face:

Questions or concerns? Reach out @Nu52 :inbox_tray:

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I have to be honest, I’ve read the first three issues for the first time and actually enjoy it!:slightly_smiling_face: Here’s my report of issue 1.

  1. I think they are great characters.
  2. Sure. I think I’ve enjoyed this alot more then Superman Family Adventures.
  3. When Slade is a new principal and Trigon is a new substitute teacher.
    I also like the last story in issue 3!:laughing:
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Thanks for posting this one, @nu52 ! I took a long weekend so I have time to squeeze this epic-length Titans adventure in!

  1. What did you think of Donna and Cassie in this issue? I was very surprised to see them in the same action-packed adventure!

  2. Is Tiny Titans a series that you’d want to keep reading with the club? Maybe once a year?

  3. What were some of your favorite moment? Oh, here’s a couple of panels I liked:


This could well be the new DCU Season 3 Titans look due to covid-related budget cuts etc…

I have been on both the “giving” and “receiving” end of Substitute Teacher, so my heart goes out to all parties in this panel image above.

Great action scene here, the big takeaway for me as a guy is simply, “how does one go about playing dolls with friends?”

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It’s such a rarity, unfortunately, but I loved getting to see them interact. It was interesting how the writers for Tiny Titans chose to simplify the complicated history down to them being cousins. What a simple solution that works.

They’re just tall action figures where their hair doesn’t impede their head movement. :joy:



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This series brings back memories I have every issue.

  1. I thought Donna and Cassie was great and them being cousins is a cool idea. Cassie wanted to be fashionable with the t-shirt and jeans but Donna seemed so offended she wasn’t wearing a Wonder Woman inspired outfit.

  2. Yes, I would love to keep reading this series.

  3. my favorite panels was the Deathstroke principal reveal and the Trigon substitute reveal. Rose and Raven seemed so embarrassed and annoyed. Funny cute stuff


Hi! Thanks for joining us this week :smiley:

It was cute how they explained why Cassie has a t-shirt and jeans costume. I agree with Donna and Cassie as cousins being a cool idea.

Trigon in his suit was something I thought I’d never see. The tiny glasses sold it for me.

Did you get every issue as the series was coming out? It’s my first time reading it and it’s adorable.


This series is adorable!

Cassie do not let those boys trick you into not being you. Love the wonder cousins

Boy, he’s got it bad

I don’t know how Rose feels, but I once dated the daughter of the elementary school principal, so


Yes I used to get Tiny Titans as it came out with chore money. And I’m glad to be here as well


I’m w/ @msgtv: adorable. Wasn’t sure about it, but I enjoyed it and would absolutely read more issues.
Great pick @nu52! :smile:

As for favorite part…it seems I’m also in agreement w/

  1. What did you think of Donna and Cassie in this issue?

It was alright. Cassie’s little story of trying to find her own look was cute enough.

  1. Is Tiny Titans a series that you’d want to keep reading with the club?

Honestly, not especially. Like, I can definitely see it’s well made and perfect for the audience it was created for but…I’m just not part of that audience.

  1. What were some of your favorite moments?

Seeing Deathstroke and Trigon in comfy schoolroom suits was kinda cute, I guess.

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I would also vote no to more Tiny Titans even though i am sucker for anything Titans.

My favorite was the Plasmus bit.

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This might seem like a backtrack. When I joined this club, I decided that I would stay current every week and read the entire selection, every page, every panel. even if I hated it. I knew if I overwhelmed myself, all that I wanted to participate in would likely fall to the wayside. And I was right; sticking with one club as a regular and reading what i could fit in assuming the club didn’t object was the Goldilocks Zone all the way. And for the record, I did miss one (1) week &! I have yet to hate it. Seeing the post for the club starting at Perez’s #1 was my “Ooh shiny!” but it became more about reading and learning more about a hero I knew the least about.

So all that was to say If Tiny Titans reappeared, I know it wouldn’t kill me to read it. The no is for something more regular in the rotation. but if something light is needed, like a palate cleanser or breath mint… you know, to still say something positive about it…

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I read every issue a while back, I love it