{World of Bats] CRISIS ON INFINITE CLUBS -- Batman (1940) #389-391, Detective Comics (1939) #556-558

Still reading:

Had to post - Batman is having an identity Crisis :laughing: Poor Bruce.


Batman at his most emo.

Crawling in my Skin intensifies


Poor Batman (continued)


He just can’t compete with the shared love of jazzercise. :cry:


ok, this entire scene is just so entertaining!

He can’t catch a break!

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Now I’m thinking of Closer by NNN – which fits those two very well, actually.

Sadman Returns.

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Though speaking of Batman and Nine Inch Nails, I think some of the stuff he’s going through here feels more like Something I Can Never Have.

I think she’s still bitter about the stalagmite comparison (I would be too :laughing:) and of course other things.


I think it makes sense. It’s the end of worlds. If Batman doesn’t figure himself out now, he never will. It shows a lot of humanity and personal growth for Batman.

I like the one who jacks the hubcaps more. :laughing: Nothing’s wrong with this one though. He’s just a bit mild.

He loves Catwoman it just took almost losing her for him to figure that out (why does it always take that for folks to “get it”?)!

Vicki just isn’t the one - at least not long-term. And I don’t know what to think of Nocturna.

I enjoyed this! Thanks @Jay_Kay


Because it’s what makes for the most dramatic storytelling possible.

And thanks for reading it with us, @JLWWSM! :smiley:

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Glad I could join :smiley: It was fun!

Man, I enjoyed reading these issues. These were some of my fittest Batman comics so easily nostalgic for me. I loved Jason’s relationship with Bullock and Nocturna back in the day.

Regarding the melodrama, I will there was a bit more of that these days, where there’s as much going on on a personal level for the heroes and supporting cast as there is with whatever battle is happening at the moment. Characters were just more fleshed out and complex back then.

I liked the way these issues crossed over with Crisis, where that event was happening all around them but the plot wasn’t dependent on the Crisis series. They didn’t even refer to these as Crisis crossovers on the covers which I thought was cool, too.


Cat taking her Bat frustrations out on Bird.


Late as always… one day i will be on time… probably

Thanks for another great week!

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I definitely get what you mean about the weird back and forth between the titles. Very irregular to what we get nowadays, though from reading more of this era for the Jason Todd Book Club it seems like this was the norm for the book back then.

Thanks for participating! :slight_smile:

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