Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

First Appearance: Sensation Comics 59 (1946)
Creators: Joye Hummel and H.G Peter
Abilities: Army of robot duplicates, mechanized suit of power armor with a plethora of built in abilities. Weather control, cryogenics, mastered the formula for ‘Blue Snow’, robotics engineer, teaching.

Backstory: Formerly a humble school teacher in the small southern town of ‘Fair Weather Valley’ Byrnas life would take a dramatic turn with the death of her father, the brilliant Doctor Brilliant. A scientist who had worked to develop ‘Blue Snow’ a chemically induced cryogenic for the purpose of bettering the world.

Anything which came in contact with the ‘Blue Snow’ compound would be in a state of frozen suspended animation with a permanently lowered temperature, Turning that which came in contact with it into a frozen statue. The uses of which had infinite possibilities from saving the climate, emergency medical response, cryogenics. So much good could be done with it.

However when her father perished, his lifes work buried by a world which wanted nothing to do with it, Byrna became disillusioned with the world and came to the conclusion that the only thing that truly mattered was money and wealth.

Thus taking on the moniker of ’ the Snowman’ Byrna Brilliant would use Doctor Brilliants invention of blue snow with her incredible talent with robotics engineering and scientific talents to create an army of robots and a machine for manipulating the weather. Seeding the clouds with the compound for blue snow. With the moniker of ‘the Blue Snowman’ sticking along the way.

Over time, Blue Snowman would continuously upgrade and improve upon her inventions. Making the weather machine mobile. Creating a mechanized suit to personally pilot. Improve the strength of the Blue Snowman robots until they could rival Wonder Woman in physical power. Turn the blue snow into a concentrated beam. Upgrading her suit continuously over time with new enhancments.

The Blue Snowman Byrna Brilliant was a burning brilliant mind that would not stop.

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