Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Crime Brain Doone
First Appearance: Comic Cavalcade #29 (1948)
Creators: Joye Hummel and H.G Peter
Abilities: Commands the nations criminal organization. Owns a private silent plane. Controls the Thinking Machine which can solve any problem be it by answering questions, teleporting matter, or controlling the minds of others.

Backstory: Crime boss of the criminal underworld, Crime Brain Doone was a so called ‘big brain criminal’ whose gimmick was owning a cargo plane which ran silently, so he could fly in, load it full of stolen goods, and fly away.

Upon hearing of Professor Calculus and his ‘Thinking Machine’ which could solve any problem, Doone proceeded to steal the machine and kidnap Professor Calculus, forcing him to operate the machine for him.

Thus Big Brain Doone had a machine which could solve any problem. Even altering reality itself to force things and people to change in a way to resolve a problem presented to it.

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