Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Volcano Prophet
First Appearance: Wonder Woman #70 (1954)
Creators: Robert Kanigher and H.G Peter
Abilities: Vast wealth. Professional con artist. Possession of intense chemical explosives. Commands a group of henchmen.

Backstory: A criminal mastermind with a genius get rich quick scheme. The Volcano Prophet was a man who devised a means of using chemical explosives to reignite dormant and even extinct volcanoes, causing terrible eruptions which would level whole areas.

Upon devising this, the Volcano Prophet came up with a scheme in which he would claim to have precognition, foretelling that a volcano would errupt before causing it to happen. Once he built up a reputation and credability, he would then demand money to foretell when a disaster would occur, demanding regular payments to remain on retainer.

Should a nearby community fail or refuse to pay him further, he would simply ignite the volcano, causing it to destroy said community, encouraging others to continue their payments for fear that the volcanoes would errupt without warning. Unaware that it was all an elaborate extortion scheme.

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