Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Hamlin Rule
First Appearance: Wonder Woman tv series: SE02 EP06
Portrayed by: Martin Mull
Abilities: Talented musician. Ability to brainwash people with his flute playing. Can punch holes through solid steel using a sonic disintegration of his own design. Legions of bloodthirsty fans who would die for him.

Backstory: Talented musician who got into the music industry with a passion for song and a desire to please his fans. However after years of being stiffed on money, living paycheck to paycheck just to get by, and being treated like dirt by all but his fans, Hamlin decided enough was enough.

With the help of his manager Carl Schwartz, Hamlin discovered he had a mysterious ability to hypnotize people by playing his flute, making them do whatever he wishes. Thus he would make his fans rob the venues he was performing at, granting him 100% of the take which combined with his manager using the allmighty power of contracts to demand their original fee, they would make bank~

Uncaring if his fans were caught doing crimes under his will, safe in the knowledge that it would not lead back to him.


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