Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

First Appearance: Wonder Woman 14 (2008)
Creators: Gail Simone and Terry Dodson
Abilities: Immortal, advanced hand to hand combatant, tactician and strategist with superhuman strength, durability, and stamina.

Backstory: Alkyone is best known as a zealot whose uncompromising faith turned into betrayal and conspiracy to murder. As the Captain of Queen Hyppolyta’s royal guard who pledged to protect the Queen’s life at all costs, she was also once married to the god Achilles (before she tried to kill him).

As a devout believer in the Amazon way, when she discovered that Queen Hippolyta was praying to the gods for a child, Alkyone believed it would destroy the island and the Amazons with it. As a result, she has always hated Diana, believing the new princess was the cause of all the Amazon’s difficulties and has endlessly plotted to murder her. Alkyone’s hatred for Diana is only matched by her praise for Queen Hippolyta, her delusions making her believe that every horror she committed was justified in Hyppolyta’s good name.

The first time she tried to murder Diana, she was an infant. Alkyone intruded in the Queen’s rooms to slaughter the child but Hippolyta woke up and punished her and her 3 co-conspirators by sending them to prison. Upon release, Alkyone then asked her friends to help her murder Diana once more, for the good of Themyscira, but failed to best the princess in combat. Alkyone ruled Themyscira for a short time in Hippolyta’s absence, but her loyalty was so strong that her intentions were always for Hyppolyta to regained her throne. Yet, when Ares gave her the soul of Genocide in an attempt to get her to finally murder Diana while she had the power, she tried again and failed again.

For the fourth attempt Alkyone summoned one of the Hecatonchires named Cottus, a monster from the depths of Themyscira, believing he was Diana’s true father. Alkyone was ultimately struck down by Hippolyta for her crimes and crushed by Cottus in a fall, but it was unknown if she died from her injuries or managed to survive.

The Circle

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