Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains


First Appearance: Wonder Woman Agent of Peace 1 (2020)
Creators: Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Inaki Miranda
Abilities: Creating and throwing red bouncing balls which are actually interdimensional portals to a mysterious world of monsters which go from pocket to full size.

Backstory: Straight forward hitman for hire, Red Ball was a humble, small time supervillain with a curiously specific power which is entirely random. By throwing a red bouncing ball to summon a monster to aid him, he could get anything from a yellow electric rodent to a menacing red carp.

Recognizing that his abilities were not exactly reliable or consistent, Red Ball would toss one of his summoning balls and watch from a distance. Since he had no martial or physical abilities that would aid him against a target, he relied entirely on his curious power to do the work for him.

Quick to give up on his criminal schemes the moment things look dire, Red Ball had no concepts of ‘honor among killers’ or ‘client confidentiality’ and would be quick to surrender any information when he knew he was beaten.

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