Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Blue Ice
First Appearance: Wonder Woman #154 (2000)
Creators: Doselle Young and John McCrea
Abilities: Can project beams of light which amplify the radioactive elements in a targets bloodstream. Flight by projecting a field of blue light around herself.

Backstory: Daughter of a mass murderer who working at a nuclear power plant, concocted a plan to drive up to victims homes and beam x-rays at them as they slept, condemning them to an early death via cancer.

Constance one day mysteriously developed the ability to to project blue light. Its properties unknown until doctors studied her and confirmed she was having the effect of increasing the strength of radioactive properties within things or people. Instantly cooking them alive in radiation.

Falling in with her one true love Doctor Echo, the two of them would enter into a life of crime. Not with any grand ambition to rule the world, but rather to take on any job for the right job which involved taking lives and leaving a message.

For the right price they would kill thousands to fulfill their contracts.

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