Why Superman?

So I’m writing an essay for an English class I’m taking and as a giant nerd I’ve decided to make it about superhero’s. My topic had to come from a Scenario depicting a potential future for mankind based on the exponential curve of evolving technology described in the book Radical Evolution. I went with Transhumanism, my working thesis is this;
Superman is a manifestation of an instinctual human desire to transcend. He both physically and morally represents an idealistic characterization of ‘The Enhanced Human’.
So this is just my first stab at it and I do plan on getting into how he isn’t actually human later, I’m just wondering if anyone has some suggestions and/or opinions. Just looking to spitball with some other nerds​:blush:

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I don’t know if Superman is the best idea for trans humanism, unless you are using science and technology to rewrite the genome.

He is powered by solar radiation. So you would have to adapt the gene so the cells are powered by sunlight, and not food. Further DNA changes such as invulnerability and strength would be based on the evolution on much a planet with much higher gravity. The same would be applied to invulnerability, as the bones and skin would need to be capable of handling much higher gravity. Flight is a question. On theory is that Superman can output graviton particles. This would allow him to fly without any standard means of propulsion. So the body would need to emit gravitons and to be able to release them via the conscious or subconscious.

I’d strongly suggest watching the Science of Superman documentary in the documentary section here on DCU.

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I’ll definitely check that out but my paper is more on the idea of Superman rather than the actual science that would be used to achieve his powers. It’s about the human fascination of a “Super Man” and how that represents our desire to become more than we are.

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Then that is a different hypothesis. You can certainly draw from Friedrich Nietzsche on the reasons why we have a desire it do this.