Who Would You Cast?

@kingofspeedsters, You seem to conflate internet consensus as “truth”. Tell you what, prove to me Superman stories are exclusively about hope. Saying “everyone else says it” isnt proof because everyone else says Superman never kills even though he has several times in the comics. Do you really think Superman has been portrayed in one tone and with one narrative for 85 years straight across all mediums?

Your entire position seems to be that everyone else agrees, but that isnt true in the slightest. There are hundreds of Superman comics on this app, pick ten at random and maybe one will deal with hope as a theme. Saying “Superman is about hope and that is an indisputable truth” ignores like 95% of Superman lead content having nothing to do with hope as a concept.

Shazam is only considered a success because it was very small budget. That’s great for the studio but audiences werent interested in the movie hence it making half of Man of Steels worldwide box office, that’s with great word of mouth and no audience expectations based on previous Hollywood versions of the character.
Shazam is technically profitable but “internet consensus” is that the film is very forgettable and void of impact or relevance. It doesnt put butts in seats like MoS or BvS, not even half as many.
Again, everyone has their preferences and opinions, but people trying to say their opinion is “truth” or “correct” are just “true fan” signaling. Essentially saying “if you dont agree with my view, you arent a real fan”. A perspective I dont have enough negative language to address properly.


And the CW is garbage imo, sorry.



One: your last comment regarding the CW just proves my point. The reason you think its garbage is because of its shows. And its shows are mainly DC superheroes. And they portray their superhero shows with a gloomy fashion.

In regards to the superman debate. You’re giving me a bunch of reason to believe that the superman (Henry cavill) movies did well in the box office. But you are giving me absolutely no reason why he was a good superman. All you seem to know is facts about the movies…I personally could care less about how well the movies do.[I know I mentioned that gloom is the DCCU’s downfall, (which IS fact, but obviously not it’s only defect), but that was a general statement.] And, ok…superman hasnt always been about hope, but that is most definitely a concept forged into the public’s minds. Furthermore in general superman is a happy, and hopeful guy (ok he might have killed people under dire circumstances,but…) the only time I remember Henry cavill being “happy,” was when he was doing something inappropriate with lois lane. I want to see more of our big blue boy scout.

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Oh…I forgot to say what I do like to see in the movies.

What I do like to see (as a comic book fan) is how close to the comicbook the character looks and acts. Not how well the overall movies does in the box office.

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If they go the Ra’s Al Guhl route again they could do no better than Mr. Charles Dance

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I dont care how they do at the box office either. You said shazam is a huge hit, it’s not. Its profitable but it hasn’t wowed anyone into green lighting a sequel. Audiences dont determine that they are going to see a movie based on how much a studio spent on a film, they just go to see what looks interesting. Way more interest in mos and BvS than Shazam.

I thought it was clear that the reason I like Cavill’s Superman is because it is the closest to the comic book version I’ve read for decades, instead of a “just for kids” cartoon version who is perpetually “happy” regardless of situation. Specifically post-crisis Superman (though to be fair he was portrayed in a serious tone long before that) to now. I’ve never felt Superman was portrayed in the comics like the goofy, “fun” version portrayed in the Donner movies. I also feel like Cavill is essentially the live action version of the Max Fleischer cartoons. If you watch them you may notice they are not overtly goofy or juvenile. Clark Kent acts like a confident and competent man, for example, as opposed to some weak, clumsy, goofball. That was really kind of Steve Roger’s whole identity schtick anyway, not Clark Kent.
You may think your view of Cavill’s Superman is universal but it kind of ignores the thousands of people who consider Man of Steel to be their favorite superhero movie. Not alot of people begging for a Shazam sequel nor alot of people proclaiming “the best superhero movie I have ever seen”.

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CW is dark and gloomy!? I think the shows are just poorly written and acted. If anything they are too “light” imo, closer to caricatures than fully formed and relatable characters. It’s pretty people saying narrative dialogue and exposition (with exception to Grant Gustin, boy can act) . They are extremely formulaic, the “monster of the week” formula has been around on TV since the 60s. The shows are some if the lowest viewed shows on television today.

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@Zombedy I liked man of steel but in my opinion Shazam! Was just the better movie It’s fine to prefer whichever you want but to say that no ones wants a Shazam! Sequel just isn’t true again That’s still your opinion I for one would love for a Shazam! Sequel.
P.S did you forget the silver age where Superman was nice and funny again I did like man of steel


@zombedy I like the CW and I’m not ashamed of that


^^that’s cool man, I loved season one of Arrow and Flash, and alot from the second seasons too. My problem is always when people try to say that these characters can only be portrayed in one tone or propose there is a correct way or incorrect way to portray fictional characters.

Saying CW is garbage may have been a bit overboard. I’ll just say “it’s not for me”

No, I didnt forget the silver age. I also think it's important to point out that comic writers werent given much freedom to tell stories at the time due to the ridiculously overbearing Comics Code Authority. They weren't allowed to write anything that could be percieved as controversial in anyway. This led to poor comic book sales. Its the reason Stan Lee was embarrassed to tell people he wrote comics, because there was a stigma of comic books being intellectually bankrupt and void of any value? It almost got Superman canceled. The whole reason the industry holds Lee in such high regard is because he elevated the medium away from the silver age nonsense in favor of flawed characters with long form storytelling. Silver age doesn't even have cannon or continuity. The silver age is the reason a making Superman movie was seen as a huge risk, they didnt think there was anything about Superman that would engage movie audiences. It's why the studios were trying to get Robert Redford or Burt Reynold for Clark, star power. They didn't have confidence in the source material so they figured they'd put in a huge movie star and fill the whole film with slapstick comedy and celebrity cameos.

That’s cool you liked Shazam that much, I just havent seen anyone gushing about it. I guess Black Adam counts as a sequel, but it was planned years before the Shazam movie came to fruition.


@Zombedy ok sorry I got mad because I just don’t like it when
People hate on the CW for no reason but I know that it’s not everyone’s cup tea again sorry



Ok…let’s just agree to disagree… we both have different view points on how roles should be played. Which is why I created this thread by the way.

Grant gustin might be acceptional, but a great actor is a bit of a stretch. You really think he is that good?

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Who would you guys cast for a jew green lantern? (Hal Jordan, guy gardner, Kyle reiner’s ) make sure to let us know which lantern you are casting.

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*not jew lol I meant to say new


I know Nathan Fillion has voiced Hal a few times. I haven’t seen much with him in it (People keep telling me to watch Firefly; he’s in that, right?) but based on what I have seen, he’d be a solid choice for live action Hal as well.

Though if we can find the Fountain of Youth and de-age Harrison Ford, he’d be perfect.


I guess I could see both of those choices

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@Kingofspeedsters, I think hes the best actor in the CWverse. But again, I dropped off after season 2. I can agree to disagree, that is fair. People having different preferences is a good thing, but being closed off to anything but ones preference, not very admirable.

Situational context is more important than some smile to frown ratio, imo. Heres an extreme example of how a focus on “happy” could turn out:

Smiling doesn’t make a story good, nor does a “happy” character

On topic: Do Catwoman next!

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I’ll do catwoman tomorrow.


Who would you guys cast for catwoman?