Who is Your Favorite DC Character? And Why?

I think my favorite character would have to be Jaime Reyes’ Blue Beetle. I think this obsession started when I was like six and saw him in one of the Batman cartoons at the time, and I liked that he was blue and could fly. I haven’t read very many comics, but I still think its fascinating that the scarab can create any weapon needed at will and I think Jaime Reyes has left a big impression of a character in my head that its amazing to see somebody that can be so dangerous fighting crime and using his powers for good… like Superman, Flash, (literally every powerful superhero)


Harley Quinn. When you look at her you can tell she’s different. She’s weird and wacky but she’s also really beautiful. She’s also a bad girl but deep down she has a heart of gold. The fact that she’s really unpredictable and spontaneous makes me enjoy her so much, even though she’s just a regular girl swinging a very large mallet. Harley became my favorite after seeing her on the Batman animated series and I always wanted to see her go solo like she has now in the movies.


Richard John Grayson aka Nightwing

When I was a little kid he sort of rescued me from my nightmares


@Harley_Quinn_9x @nightwing67 welcome to the community!!! Both of you had great choices for your favorites!! I hope to see you both around some more!!


Harley’s awesome. You are going to really like it here I think. The Harley fan club Harley’s Crew is a great group and probably the best on dcuniverse forums. There’s an ongoing thread here where everyone shares their love of the character - Harley’s Crew Thread.


Welcome to the community, @Wandamaximoff, @CrashCrema, @Harley_Quinn_9x, and @nightwing67! It’s great to see so many new faces here and I’m glad all of you have such awesome characters picked as your favorites. :smiley: I think my favorite character may be a tad obvious. :wink:

Please let the moderator team know if you need anything!


@Harley_Quinn_9x now I gotta ask, do you like her best when she’s solo, with Poison Ivy, or with Joker?


I have this in my room if that explains things :sweat_smile:


:full_moon_with_face: You’re definitely gonna like the The Crew then, @Harley_Quinn_9x! :harleys_crew: :00_harlivy:

Welcome, btw! :hugs: (click :point_right: #harleys-crew if ya got a min, for the dime tour) See ya soon!

Ps. Thanx for the shout out @IrishX! :green_heart:


Yessss, Harley Quinn is amazing, shes my 2nd favorite


Mine has always been and will always be Metamorpho. I turn 69 this July and I have been his fan since I was 12 yr. old. Metamorpho got me interested in Chemistry back in the trade & tech high school where even my diploma reads Technical Chemistry. I was pleased to have seen Neil Gaiman write a Metamorpho story. Apparently we both came out of Wisconsin. It was also historic from the point of view that the artist back in the sixties was the first female hispanic artist that I ever heard of. It would be great to see Greg Berlanti add him to the cast of characters on Legends of Tomorrow. Best adaptation to TV or movies of Metamorpho came in 1971-72 but soon disappeared thanks to Spiro Agnew. It was the cartoon, Super President.


Metamorpho didn’t even catch my mind when thinking about this thread! Great choice! And, of course, WELCOME TO THE COMMUNITY!!!


Welcome to the community @stankiewiczdaniel.80034 , nice to see, how some folks favorites are the non major characters, it’s what makes DC comics so great.


Harly Quinn because I like the new skin for her


Welcome to the community @stankiewiczdaniel.80034! Metamorpho is an awesome character and I’m so glad to hear that he inspired you to pursue chemistry - I agree that another adaptation of him outside of the comic medium would be fantastic.

Welcome to the community as well @Sweatzz! No shame in liking Harley Quinn due to her new Fortnite skin, it’s pretty awesome!

Please let the moderator team know if you ever need anything. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Nightwing because he has all of Batman’s qualities but isn’t that dark and brooding.

Ozymandias because he is just soo unpredictable and cool!!!


Martian Manhunter.

The character has started in the silver age as a police officer in detective comics and a superman substitute in the Justice League becoming a character that is incredibly multi-faceted in characterization and abilities. Martian Manhunter is one of the most interesting heroes that DC comics has because he isn’t a one-note person.


Main is SB Prime
So not to do the main

President Superman


Power of Supes , & He’s the President


Tim Drake because he’s cool and he makes me feel physically ill if I think about him to long