Which Titan Would You Want to be Trapped in an Escape Room With?

Tim Drake, he’s a quick thinker and can likely hack his way out.


Donna Troy shes super hot and is a absolute badass

Raven if she had a personality like the original Teen Titans cartoon.

Can raven just teleport us out?

Terra… Definitely Terra.

Robin would find a way out BUT Cyborg would be great for that as well.

Raven all day! She does magic after all.

Would choose Raven

Robin for sure.

Robin without a doubt

Robin seems like the best bet. He trained under the world’s greatest detective, after all.

Robin. No doubt. The guy was trained by Batman, an escape room is probably child’s play to him.

Robin is my immediate choice with no reservation.

Robin all the way…

Kid Flash, he will make quick work of finding all the clues.

Damien Wayne, do I need to explain ?

Robin. Tim Drake if I need to be specific. Seriously, how is this even a question?


Tim Drake definitely, without a doubt. His detective skills are comparable to Batman. No other Titan can say that.


Beast boy
