Which Character From Red Hood Outlaws Are You?

say @Kelex roll 1d10
1 artemis
2 jason todd
3 bizzaro
4 eury
5 medusa
6 batman
7 superman
8 wonder woman
9 arsenal
10 you choose


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@Kelex roll 1d20

:game_die: 10

red hood lets goo

Roll 1d20

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say @Kelex

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@Kelex Roll 1d20

:game_die: 16

@Kelex roll 1d20

:game_die: 19

I’m just going swing a couple more since Kelex doesn’t recognize numbers that are just restrictive to just 10 :laughing:

@Kelex Roll 1d20

just pick one you want lol

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:game_die: 9


It’s alright I got what I wanted anyway.

Arsenal. :sunglasses:

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@kelex roll 1d20

:game_die: 12

there is no 12th option so I’m just gonna pretend I got 9
I am arsenal now

I believe you can do 1d10 for a roll out of 10 instead of 20 :slight_smile: