What's New on DC Universe Infinite & ULTRA: JUNE

I just wanted to tell you those graphic novels look so cool! I wish I’d known about them when DC released them because I would’ve loved to have gotten them. It’s a real shame that there hasn’t been a lot of collections for Warlock. Especially since it ran for over a hundred issues.

I don’t know why DC wouldn’t do more collected editions for it. I think it had something to do with Mike Grell. Because it’s odd that a series that ran for over a hundred issues between 1975 to, like, 1988 or '89, right, and is so beloved by DC fans, but it’s hardly ever been collected or reprinted at all since it came out besides the collections you have, of course. But that’s 3 trades for a comic that ran for almost 15 years.

It doesn’t make sense. There should’ve been more collections for it. I mean the comic wouldn’t have ran for over a hundred issues and almost 15 years if it wasn’t popular and selling a lot of issues for DC, right? Anyways, now that it’s coming to DCUI, perhaps they might do some omnibus’ for it now?

That’d be cool! I would love to own Warlock :sparkling_heart:. I’m one of the ones who voted for it a couple of months back (that was my first time here in the DC Community) so I’m excited to see it start this week. Today, in fact.

And I’m going to check it out as soon as I’m done typing this :slightly_smiling_face:.


Thanks for the compliment on both the Warlord and my three trades @JohnAAustin79. I too, long for a Warlord omnibus, so encourage everyone you know on DCUI to read the issues as they come out to convince DC that the Warlord has a loyal following.

Concerning the reasons there haven’t been more trades for the Warlord I’m assuming that sales were lower than expected. Also, the Warlord was mainly outside of the DC Universe continuity. Mike Grell said one of his editors said that his books took place on Earth-Grell which has no superheroes. That’s why no DC heroes showed up in Skartaris during his run.


Both Green Arrow and Warlord being filled… This is great news!!!
Hopefully, all the issues will get added for both.


Fun little test from Strange Adventures #4 on the Home Screen. This test is extremely difficult…I was surprised at just how hard it was? I got 4-& they were like -“the judges said they’ll accept that answer “- on every 4, very lenient judges lol. Anyway, here it is….


If you are enjoying having the 1986 “DC Challenge” 12 issue mini series digitized with a new issue each week this summer, consider joining our reading of the issues together each week:

[Superman Fan Club] Presents: DC Challenge #4 / Challenge of the Superfans Season 3 Week 2