WhatCulture pretending they read the comics when they only flipped through them


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Don’t have time to read at the moment, but I tend to think the written articles are horrible, but I do enjoy the YouTube channels. Some of them seem to know their stuff, and they have clever enough writing on the show.

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I’m pretty sure a lot of the articles are just transcripts of their videos. Or their videos are video forms of the articles. For example, this article is exactly the same as a video they posted.

The reason I posted this page specifically is because they mistake Batman hallucinating the Court of Owls members as weird owl monsters in the labyrinth as actual genetic owl human hybrids made by the Court.

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I hate it when people make mistakes like that. I once had some lady come up to me and say “I heard you like Batman. Me too! I saw him in that movie where he fought Captain America over the guy with the metal arm and that other movie where he fought that clown guy who committed suicide!” As Ben Franklin said, “It is rude to silence a stupid person. It is even worse to let him continue speaking.”


Indeed. I once met a man who told me he loves it when Batman uses guns.

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Jeez Louise!

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