What’s everyone doing today at DC Universe?


You’re in for a treat either way, but, have u never seen either? Or just re-binging. Was just gonna say YJ is absolutely amazing since u have time off imho I would like do YJ first, plus season 3 round the corner. If you’ve seen both disregard this post.

Read Aquaman #'s 1-12. I didn’t like what I’ve read of Peter David’s Supergirl, but his Aquaman is fantastic!

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Catwoman When in Rome was indeed very good.



I figured u would like it, if your in the mood for more Catwoman Selina’s big score and the follow up by Darwyn Cooke are great. I created a thread called SELINA KYLE, & those were suggested to me on it. If u can find it the name of the follow up after big score and other Catwoman suggestions are on there, I can’t think of the name of the follow up offhand, but big score is good even as a 1 shot.

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I read some NEW GODS and AQUAMAN in the comic section as research for an article I’m working on.

Decided to reread Batgirl Year One. One of my favorite books. Love the artwork and the writing!


I love Batgirl year one also. I saw a documentary a guy made where the focus was him trying to figure out the cult obsession of that comic. I honestly never knew it was so well received by enough people that it was a mystery as to why. I couldn’t tell u who/ when etc it was made, I stumbled across it on fire stick one day right after I watched the video version of it.

Watching the second episode of The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians.


Trying to go to bed haven’t yet, took a break from comics to browse boards. Gonna read comics till I pass out

Going to bed? I woke up few hours back!

Just woke up a lil while back, going to watch flash then continue Batman & the Outsiders whilst mixing in some Aquaman, & thanks to a post I came cross earlier I saw a ton of full runs listed by bloodviolet, so gonna check a few of those out that I’ve never seen.