What ONE DC Superpower/Gadget Would You Like To Have??...And What Would Be The First Thing You Would Do With It???

Me…i would like to have the Green Lantern’s Power Ring and i would like to fly around this beautiful planet of ours.:earth_asia:

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You make a compelling argument for the Power Ring, but I would have to go with Waverider’s powers - he can travel in time. And the first thing I would do is to go ahead to the next lotto draw and then I would have Bruce Wayne’s power too.


Wise choice you made there @timewarp…i like it👍

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Martian Manhunter’s shape shifting abilities would be fun to use.


Batarang and I’d get it signed by Kevin Conroy


I’m too big a fanboy to think of something useful


Green lantern ring

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Aquamans Trident! :trident: Make some good swell to go surfing/body surfing. Then I would do the right thing and gather up all the trash while riding a Orca. (I’m a dorka for a Orca) :joy:


Haha…aquamon, you are awesome


@Wolfie, No your awesome times a million! Take that!


Stargirl’s Cosmic Rod


Can’t wait to see the upcoming Stargirl show

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It’s not a super power per se, but more like an ability. There’s an episode of Batman Animated called Joker’s Wild - there’s a Joker-themed casino. One of bits shows a Joker head, outside the casino, and the head is rotating, turning all the way around and it’s making this laughing machine type of noise…“ha ha ha ha ha…ha ha ha ha ha…ha ha ha ha ha.” THAT’S the ability I would like to be blessed with. I could turn a lot of heads waiting at a stoplight.:grin:

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Mobius Chair. I need a chair.


@biff_pow Hey buddy did you read darkside wars from N52?

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I quite agree with Stargirl’s cosmic staff. It served Jack Knight very well, and, as he said to her, “You’re going to be MAGNIFICENT!”

@Aquamon yeah! One of my favorite moments ever!

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@biff_pow yeah I loved that story!

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I would want a blue beetle scarab

Dr Fate helmet