What non-superhero comics do you read? Why?

Archie - my first comics! I think I’ll always have a soft spot for them.
World of Warcraft - I like some of the game tie-ins.

Godzilla has some very interesting comics. Heck, one mini-series had Godzilla literally go to Hell itself and fight his way through demons, kaiju, and various other entities until he broke out (and became the new supreme being of all existence after somehow managing to over power and destroy god himself and a being that may or not have been Yog-Sothoth.)

I love horror comics! A love suspense, fear, blood and guts! I am so excited about the new Hill House books which are published as DC Black Label titles. Basketful of Heads #1 was amazing!

I’m not reading any at the moment, but Nailbiter is one of my all time favorites. It had some really tense moments and a really great tone overall. I also enjoyed graphic novels like Daytripper, Scooby-Doo Apocalypse, Preacher, Sandman, etc. Although, I think any non-superhero comic thread would be incomplete without at least mentioning Maus; probably one of the greatest comics of all time.