What is the best ever movie made under the DC banner

I think Watchmen is pretty underrated, I have to credit Snyder with what he tried to adapt. Regardless of how polarizing of a figure that he is


I concur. Snyder did a good job on Watchmen. It was the pinnacle of his directorial achievement for DC Films.

Then he went down fast. Like super fast. Like really super fast and crafted the hideous, leper’s colony corner of DC Movies called “The Snyderverse”. Such a dank & vile location that nothing of any quality, nor artistic craft or anything coming close to decent net profitability has never emerged.

Even tortious rumors fly around, this sickening place,of an infamous “Snyder Cut” The extended horrors of such a film exist in the faintest of whispers. Some of the stricken in the colony even beg for its release. One can only have pity on the poor, deranged members of that vile place.


Hmm. I think you’re holding back, @DeSade. Tell us how you REALLY feel. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Gotta keep it with community guidelines @super-squirrel Gotta keep it with community guidelines, pressing right up to the edge of them.


Man of Steel followed very closely by Batman Begins.

Live action The dark Knight With out a doubt for animated movie probably new frontier or flash point paradox or maybe Batman year one

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This is genuinely hard for me. I would say Man of Steel and The Dark Knight are the best. Reasons why:

They sparked my imagination of these characters.
Refreshing and interesting to the genre.
Their are no movies like them.
Strong / timeless thematic elements.
Impeccable Costume and production design.
The acting from both casts was running on all cylinders.
Also hands down ….THE BEST musical scores in the entire DC catalogue.

I will also say SHAZAM!, V for Vendetta, Watchmen Directors Cut close runner ups.

Batman ‘89 and the first Reeves Superman movie, But, Wonder Woman is in my top spot. Placing her in WW I was a great, fresh take on the characters origin without breaking it, and kept the fundamental psychology of the character.

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The Dark Knight Rises is my favorite (even though I know that The Dark Knight, and Batman Begins are both better constructed movies).

Superman: The Movie, with Batman '89 and The Dark Knight in close pursuit. Wonder Woman is pretty high up there, too.

Wonder Woman for Gal Gadot, the ideals and the two worlds presented and contrasted.

Superman, for the absolutely convincing performance by Christopher Reeves.

Batman, for the complex performance given by Michael Keaton on the role of Bruce Wayne.

Dark Knight
Under the Red Hood

Watchmen: Ultimate Cut
V For Vendetta
The Dark Knight
Batman v Superman: Ultimate Edition

All, in my personal opinion, equally deserving of being called the best movie under the DC banner for different reasons.

Dark knight is incredible but 1978 Superman gets my vote. It is the foundation stone to all which follows it. It set standards like getting a huge name attached to legitimize it, pour money into it so it doesn’t look cheap, solid director, leave breadcrumbs for a sequel.
Aside from seniority its a solid movie head to toe. Origin story, call to action and a great labor to accomplish all with great acting and heart.