What have you discovered or rediscovered on DCU

Curious as to what hidden gems everyone has found or redound in the first year of DC Universe. I’d say my hidden gem was Human Target. I had completely forgotten about the show and had never seen it’s excellent second season.

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I never knew about the Birds of Prey tv show before DCU. It’s a beloved classic for me now.

Green Lantern the Animated Series was one I heard about, but was unable to watch it at the time it was on the air. I watched it on DCU and really enjoyed the animation and the show.

considers watching GLTAS again right now

Seconding Birds of Prey. I was certainly aware of its existence back in the early Aughts, but I never watched it. Granted, I don’t know if it would be quite as much fun without the community commentary.

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Shazam I hadn’t seen it since I was a kid. Also Human Target I had never seen it before and it was really good.

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I really found some great comics on here. Tons of really good Creeper and Ambush Bug stuff too.