What Elseworlds Would You Like DC to Create?

I have to be that guy. Isn’t that the X-Men?


I agree just alone a story with Superman being raised by the Amazons would be amazing. His interactions with the Amazons and how he develops as a hero from him growing up there is interesting enough for me. Have him leave Themiscyra to man’s world and be a hero there like wonder woman did and I think we have a multi volume series there.


Appreciate the info-

  1. A preteen Lex Luthor, on a hiking trip gets lost and accidentally discovers a baby Kal-El whose ship has just crash landed. The baby is adopted by the Luthors and after Lex’s parents are killed when mobster’s looking to gain control of LexCorp, blow up their car. Lex and Kal form a crime fighting partnership. Lex, the cold and calculating one provides resources and planning, Kal acts as the muscle and Lex’s conscious.
  2. A fling between Superman and Wonder Woman produces the twins, John and Lyta. Their parents are killed soon after they are born and they are raised by Lois Lane. Upon reaching their teens they decide to become heros. But due to their parentage no one was allowed to know they existed so they must now play down their powers and pretend to regular humans using gadgets. Lois acts as their mission control and advisor.
  3. Jokers kills Nightwing, Robin (Tim Drake) , Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) and Commissioner Gordon in front of Batman. In a fit of rage batman beats him to death in front of many witnesses, including a tv news crew. Batman fakes his own death and Bruce Wayne takes a long sabbatical. Two years later Gotham City is filled with crime and Alfred Pennyworth and Selina Kyle recruit a “Bat Squad” to combat crime, mostly kids, teens, who come from some of the worst parts of town but instead of going bad use what talents they have to help people. They are skilled in martial arts, parkour or are just really tough.
  4. Katheryn Kane, her mother and sister are kidnapped by terrorists who intend to kill them. Mom and sis are killed but Kate is rescued, not by her father but by Ras al Ghul who takes her in, erases her memory and trains her to be one of the greatest of the League of Assassins. Batman and Ras will kill each other in a fight after Talia is killed and each blames the other. The League falls apart and Kate, with a young Damian as her side kick becomes Gotham City’s only real protector. But needs Alfred to keep her from killing the bad guys.
  5. Clark and Lois Kent are camping out when a meteor strikes near their camp. The radiation takes away all of Superman’s powers and gives them to Lois. Now Superwoman replaces Superman. Lex Luthor now becomes infatuated with her and instead of trying to kill her wants to capture and enslave her.
  6. On a cruise ship a passenger tosses a newsmagazine into the ocean. The current carries it to Themyscira where Diana reads if and becomes fascinated with batman in Gotham City and with crime fighting in general. She leaves home and makes her way to Gotham where Diana Prince becomes a rookie police officer and at night The Amazon, a scantily clad crime fighter who gets Batman’s attention.
  7. Poison Ivy goes to Slaughter Swamp to stop an corrupt corporation from dumping toxic waste there. She meets and falls in love with Swamp Thing and together they stop threats to the environment.
  8. Harleen Quinzell is never seduced by the Joker, instead her work at Arkham makes her one of the best forensic physcologists and criminal profilers in the world. She goes to work as a detective in the GCPD, but secretly works with with Oracle developing profiles on criminals for Batman, Nightwings, Huntress, Black Canary and others. Sometimes she herself hunts down the very worst in serial killers, spree killers, serial rapists and stalkers.

Batman settles down and has a child with Catwoman, but then they divorce divorce, and now it’s a battle of who gets full custody.


Yeah, but even if it is, it would still be interesting to see how different dc heroes cope with that.


We saw that once before. Scarecrow had captured batman and his chemicals showed Batman a man who had suffered as he did, losing his parents to street crime. But this man used his family fortune to open job centers for underprivileged kids, he married a woman he loved and adopted several children and championed funding for the police and fire departments serving his community better then a vigilante. batman was not impressed.

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That sounds like something I would definitely want to read.


Or, and this is me spitballing, Supergirl’s pod crashes on Themyscira and she is raised by the Amazons. Now we saw her trained by them for a few months in one story line, but image the Kryptonian cutie being raised from preteenhood by the Amazons. The timing means it is after Diana already left and Kara becomes a surrogate daughter for Hippolyta, who once served in the JSA and who sends Kara to the JSA to be their newest hero.


Actually in that universe nothing else would matter. With Bruce Wayne working with him and not against him Ra’s al Ghul would succeed in taking over the world.


A Wild West/Steampunk themed universe where Bruce Wayne, a shipping tycoon in San Francisco travels the West and wears a mask as The Bat, dispensing harsh justice to outlaws. Selina Kyle, a theif who is really a deep cover operative for the Secret Service works with him sometimes. The Penguin controls most crime in the city. Joker and his gangs terrorize the smaller towns in the West as Two-Face, a former lawman turned violent bounty hunter clashes with both The Bat and Jonah Hex. Pamela Isley and Harleen Quinzell are a pair of anti-heros, robbing from other outlaws and the corrupt wealthy. Most of the people trying to hang them are doing it because they are an openly lesbian couple in the 1800s. Meanwhile Kansas farm boy Clark kent leaves the farm to become a reporter in Denver and uses his powers to fight crime, but always hiding in shadows to keep anyone from knowing there is an alien about. Lex Luthor, a brilliant tech mogul comes up with many of the steampunk inventions like balloon driven passenger ships and steam powered tanks. He is secretly planning to take over the Western half of the country.
In Post-Civil War New Orleans Diana Prince is a dance hall girl who as Wonder Woman deals with pirates, slavers, neo-Confederates and dark magic from the bayou. Steve Trevor is a US Marshal.
1800s Gotham is a cesspool of crime and corruption and the only help the honest police get is from the vigilantes, Black Canary, Huntress, Orphan and Spoiler. BLack Canary is a club singer, Huntress and daughter of Italian immigrants whose father smuggles to help maintain a nice lifestyle. Orphan and Spoiler are street kids, orphan from Chinatown and Spoiler from the Cauldron.


Maybe this is the earth the Justice League of Assassins is from! Lol


Okay this is more of a short two to four issue mini-series but stay with me here. Darkseid, in a bid to conquer Earth arranges the deaths or disappearances of every hero on Earth except a badly beaten Batman and Hal Jordan. Jordan makes contact with the Guardians as batman, armed with Palmer tech, goes to the Fortress of Solitude and the shrunken city of Argos. When Darkseid and his armada arrive they are not facing the heroes, but a force of some five hundred full sized Kryptonians, each armed with a power ring. How do you think that battle will go?


I love how coherent that universe is. Everything in it fits and makes perfect sense.


Thank you


Batwoman is Beth(Alice) and Kate(Batwoman) is Alice. Not to crazy detailed, But I want to see how that would work out.


That sounds really cool, but…why do 500 Supermen need power rings? Just show the melee of Supermen vs. the New Gods.

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Because having battled Superman Darkseid might have a backup plan. 500 Kryptonians armed with power rings would be too much for him to handle.


A universe where

Starfire, Supergirl, and Raven somehow were raised by the Amazons on Themyscira with Wonder Woman.

They would all be the same age, or within 3-5 years of each other.

Because of their abilities there would probably be mistaken for decedents of Greek Gods.

Maybe they could all leave together… or maybe Starfire, Supergirl, and Raven would be told to bring Wonder Woman back.

Rather they have a hero or villain disposition would depend on their individual personalities and storytelling, but I say it could go either way

Could call it “The God’s of Themyscira” or “Wonder Woman - Four Sisters”
(I’m not so good at naming)



Damn dude that is amazing!