VOTING CLOSED! Your Complete Guide to DC's 2021 Round Robin Brackets

Chris, I would absolutely love some more Zatanna! Nuueq ym si ehs (she is my queen)! However, I’m really feeling the Blue Beetle right now so I’ve just gotta go with my main man Jaime.

How cool would it be if we got some kind of big Blue Beetle-related multiverse challenge? :open_mouth:


I hope they don’t complete toss all the other pitches after one wins, a number of these sound really good. Love the Robins, so I really want to see that one, but Nightrunner and Asteria also sound fun. If I could have multiple it’d probably be those three. Not super interested in the rest, although if Zatanna or Green Lanterns won I’d probably read them.


Welcome to the community @blargh.23652!


Agreed, all these pitches sound so good and like something I would read


First off, just want to start by saying that I’d be happy to see any of these become a series and really hope that there is a plan for one-offs of all the proposals in an anthology title, as I could enjoy all of them.

  1. Etta Candy: Holliday Hero > Green Lanterns. While I love the Lanterns a lot and think that an outer space treasure hunt story with what looks like potentially fun adversaries would be good, Etta seems like an underutilized property, so she has my support.
  2. The Brave and the Bug > Zatanna. Zatanna is one of my favorite characters, but I have rarely enjoyed her series; she’s tough to write well. And when you put her up against Ambush Bug, it’s no contest. I’ll pretty much always vote for Ambush Bug, as he’s one of my absolute favorite characters. Even when not written well, he’s still a lot of fun.
  3. Son of the Creeper > Lobo/Animal Man. I’ll be honest. I like my Lobo in small doses. Maybe if Garth Ennis was writing him. In this case, I wanted to vote for a new concept. I love the Creeper and if they could find a way to make him viable again, I’d be happy.
  4. JLQ > Robins. While I love the Robins (and if they go with this, I also want the Robins from the series (Dax Atax, Robina, R-Iko, Dre-B-Robbin) in addition to all the Batman sidekicks, I have to support the ideal of JLQ. Representation matters.
  5. Paws Off > Jesse Quick. While I love Jesse and we haven’t seen a lot of her in recent years, the last two Jimmy Olsen books have just been a lot of fun (Bizarro and Pal).
  6. Nightrunner > Blue Beetle. I absolutely love Jaime as the Blue Beetle, but he’s had three series. Having a series about a Middle Eastern kid in Paris is inclusive and gives a character who’s barely been seen a good start.
  7. Swamp Thing: A House of Secrets > Suicide Squad 7. Another hard one. I love the idea of going back and revisiting the first Swamp Thing, as it really hasn’t gotten a lot coverage. That just wins out over the Suicide Squad. Knowing who was going to write or be on the Squad could change my vote.
  8. Asteria > Superman/Lois. While Superman and Lois are two of my favorites, they get plenty of coverage. Asteria, though, is a character that really hasn’t seen the light of day, so I’m all for her.

ok if nightrunner doesn’t makes it( lets face it I love him but his up against a lot of popular characters) can we put his story as a backup in detective comics


You know, a lot of people have been talking about how hard it is to choose between JLQ and Robins, but can I also point out how much it SUCKS that I have to choose between Gothic Romance Swamp Thing and Harley Quinn and her own Suicide Squad? :sob:


Please? I miss Nightrunner. :slight_smile:


I’m always up for some Blue Beetle! And a Blue Beetle multiverse challenge would indeed be awesome!


Ok I just found this announcement and it is exciting that we get to do this. When I saw the bracket I zeroed in on Robins and said I dont care what else is on this list. This is something I had been thinking about lately is that I would love to have some sort of story (comic or animated show) that is all about the Robins. Whenever any of them are together it is always entertaining but especially if it’s all of them. But the description is a little weird - awkward silences? They do know each other well enough. I hope it has them acting more like brothers.

BUT after I actually started reading the descriptions and realized what Robins is up against I realized they probably don’t stand a chance and that makes me sad that they may not even make it out of the 1st round. It was just luck of the draw that the one I want the most has to start off against such a strong competitor. I know that the people in the DC Pride community have been wanting/needing some more well deserved representation in the comics and it does sound like a good read. But I will still be a mix of bummed out that I don’t get to read the Robins and excited for the Pride community if they win.

I made a Twitter just so I could vote and noticed that all the matchups have 12-14000 votes except Pride vs Robins they have 22000 votes! :exploding_head:


I wasn’t familiar with Nightrunner but after learning more I wish he wins now!


Did you check out the stories I linked in my first post? :slight_smile:


Would you mind re-linking please?


HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CHOOSE BETWEEN ROBINS AND JLQ??? I mean Robins is, well, Robins, and I love the Batfam, but Justice League Queer??? Can only one be chosen at the end or can we have both? I would love to read both!


We can have a Robin story anytime. But this is a great chance for a story like JLQ. I’ve been saying vote JLQ the whole time because of that. We should show DC that we want representation.


Absolutely! The whole DC Pride initiative was such a great and welcome idea, with beautiful covers! Having JLQ potentially get wiped out in the first round would sour all of that amazing goodwill. Instead, whatever happens, it’s clear from the number of votes being twice the amount of any other pairing, that DC should capitalize and spin off JLQ from this year’s Pride event. It makes 100% sense. Plus, yes, it would be a groundbreaking and history-making series. And if it can feature some of the new but already beloved queer characters, like Dreamer, well… that would just be a dream come true.


Here’s my post with the links!


JLQ because representation matters :rainbow_flag::heart:


Ok after some thinking, here are my votes:

-Green Lantern vs Etta Candy
I think I’m gonna go with Etta, as much as I love Kyle and Kilowog, Holiday Hero Inc. sounds amazing!

-Ambush Bug vs Zatanna
I think I’m gonna go with Ambush Bug? Seems pretty unique and interesting

-Lobo vs Son of the Creeper
I’m not the biggest Lobo fan, and Son of the Creeper sounds awesome, so my vote goes to Creeper

-Justice League Queer vs Robins
First of all, DC, HOW DARE YOU MAKE A CHOICE BETWEEN JLQ AND A BATFAMILY STORY LIKE THIS??? JLQ should just be greenlit and so should Robins! So on this poll I’m actually not going to vote because I can’t decide, and whoever wins- I’ll back them on the 2nd and 3rd rounds afterwards. I hope there is a way we could get both of them!

-Paws Off the JL vs Jesse Quick
Definitely Paws Off! I only know a little bit about Jesse and she seems pretty cool, but I love the Super Pets so It’s not even a question

-Blue Beetle vs Nightrunner
I only know a little bit about Jaime and nothing about Nightrunner so I don’t really know, but Nightrunner’s story sounds pretty cool so that’s my vote

-Swamp Thing vs Suicide Squad
I’m not a big Swamp Thing fan and Harley is one of my favorite characters so she has my vote!

-Asteria vs Suparman & Lois:
Both sound really good?? It’s really close but I think I’m gonna go with Asteria because she sounds really awasome!


My guess is whoever wins this vote will win the entire tournament