vertigo on Netflix?

So, Netflix picked up Sandman, AND they have Lucifer. Wouldn’t it be awesome if they took Swamp thing and Constantine? I would love to see the 90’s vertigo stuff. (Yes i know vertigo got cancelled, but i am talking about the comics from 25 years ago)

It isn’t like Neil Gaiman and Grant Morrison and Warren Ellis haven’t reaped well-earned big $$$ from their superb work. It would be wonderful if DC would negotiate with these creators, it would likely attract new subscribers.

Something to think about.

Oh i WANT it here, but they (Netflix) already have lucifer and (as of last week) Sandman. We the fans are often holding out Swamp Thing and Constantine (both cancelled) like homeless puppies trying to find a home. DC direct as MUCH as i want them to, have already passed on these four franchises.