:jsa_book_club: :justice_league_book_club: Two Worlds, Two Teams, One Mission [February 2021 JSABC/JLBC EVENT]:jsa_book_club:

That was my guess as well.

I was also a Marvel fan when I first started reading comics. At the point this story came out I had stopped reading comics for awhile and had turned my attention to manga. It wouldn’t be until around 2009 that I started reading them again only this time I was more into DC than Marvel.


Alex Ross is easily the superior artist, but I loves me some Michael Turner, as he’s one of my all-time favorites.

Regardless of publisher, I can’t think of a single Turner piece where I didn’t say “That’s rad.” upon seeing it, be it for the first time or the hundredth.


Ross is a step (or maybe lots of steps) above everyone else though the Turner covers are nice too.


Well hello there once more JSA and JL Book clubs. :wave: :sunglasses: Tally-Ho. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Ah the Legion. I have known the name for quite some time and only a few of the characters as @MatthewHecht also mentioned I got my introduction to them from Smallville. Looking over some of my reading lists and looking at the descriptions I do have some other Legion related books in there so I will look forward seeing what happened in those stories as well. :smiley:

Oh it was a lot of fun seeing the three teams all in one story. :star_struck:

The Legion was definitely very mysterious and seeing how the story ended it’s understandable why they were. Grouping also some of The League with different JSA members was nice as they looked for each Legion member. Also learning more about other Legion members I had not known about before was a lot of fun. :sunglasses: :+1:

The Lightning Saga was fun reading through. :zap:

I liked the mystery to who and what the Legion were doing back in the past. :face_with_monocle:

I wondered after getting to the third part of the story where was The Flash. :thinking:

A nice surprise finding out The Flash had died again, this time though being Wally’s Flash. :eyes:

Maybe, like Batman, I thought perhaps Barry would come back, but cool that Wally was back with Linda and the kids as well. :clark_hv_4:

These were also some of my favorite panels from the story. :joy:


Wonder Woman is so polite. :rofl: :wonderwoman:

This one is where I thought Batman was referring to Barry coming back instead.


Ah, seeing that the next week is about Brightest Day related, I’ll have to come back to that as I still have to get through Blackest Night (made a nice list for all of it and some of the prelude so I have a head start in that regard) and bookmarked it for the future. :joy:

Thank you again @JasonTodd428 and @Vroom for the team up. :sunglasses: :+1:


It was a lot of fun seeing the three teams together in one story. It was even more fun for me because I’ve gotten to know the Legion of Superheroes and I also knew the story that Superman was referring to in relation to them and the lightning rods. Made it really interesting to me.

Thank you for joining in @ajm08g. Hope you enjoyed yourself.


And here are the final set of questions for the month.

  1. What did you think of the interactions between the JSA and the JL in this crossover? Also we had another team joining in this crossover with the JSA All Stars. How many of you are familiar with them?

  2. hat did you think of the fight scenes in these issues? Which was your favorite?

  3. What did you think of Dick’s plan to defeat the Starheart?

  4. Which was your favorite cover in this crossover?

  5. What did you think of the epilogue to this story in JSA #43

Well they kept being recommended in the “Can’t Get Enough Stargirl” section, so I read this mix of a mess and so bad its good material.

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I do not have time to reread it on time so just giving my thoughts from back in… Probably September. I found the story hard to understand. I really enjoyed the action especially Jade wiping out Kyle (someone has to only be my 7th favorite human Green Lantern).

I am not a fan of this Justice League and Dick Bats, so that affected me quite a bit.

My favorite non fight parts were the Obsidian/Alan interactions, the brief flirting between Stargirl and Atom Smasher, and seeing Stargirl having a leadership role (got to enjoy what little role they had for my favorite JSA member) :stargirl:.

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I really liked that part.

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  1. I remember not liking this iteration of the JLA because at the time it was a weird team. Now looking back I enjoyed it because it was a new team that Robinson was forced to work with because of all the events. I was reading all the Justice League/ Society books at the time.

  2. I liked when Alan Scott ends up in the Kingdom Come armor fought scene. I remember being blown away.

  3. It wasn’t a bad plan.

  4. I liked JLA 46-48 cause they formed one big poster.

  5. It was weird because I feel like if you hadn’t read the other things leading up to it you would be like why are these magical creatures on the dark side of the moon. Thinking back I guess Day of Judgement tied into this.

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I read nothing leading up to it, and was really confused.


I think I read whatever story lead up to this one but it wasn’t overly memorable to me I guess. At some point all these events melded together in my head. For a bit I had a serious case of event overload. Probably why I rarely read events anymore when they happen.