Trivia Tuesday, 11/26 3:00 PM PST/6:00 PM EST — Harley Quinn!

I’m going to list TWELVE (12) quotes from Harley Quinn, all of which can be found SOMEWHERE on DC Universe. Your mission: tell me the exact issue or video where each can be found! A point for each one that you are the first to identify! In one hour, time will be UP, and I’ll post a second set of quotes. Whoever gets the most wins the game! Good luck! :harley_hv_7:

  1. “How comes I never noticed this thing weighs, like, a hundred tons before?!” [CLAIMED! Convergence: Harley Quinn #1 @superherowade]
  2. “I got an itch I thought you could help me scratch, cowboy…” [CLAIMED! Batman: Assault on Arkham @Noyo]
  3. “When I get outta here… I’m gonna make cold cuts outta you with a band saw… an’ then I’m gonna feed yer scrawny slices ta my fuzzy babies… an’ I’m gonna enjoy every tasty damn minute of it.”
  4. “That was a long time ago, he’s changed! We’ve been to couples’ counseling!” [CLAIMED! Justice League, “Wild Cards” @Noyo]
  5. “…See, by playing ourselves in the scene, we express the total Sang-Froidian ‘mice-in-scene’ of our inner psychos. It’s very ‘David Lynch.’”
  6. “Sweetie, get Mommy’s bazooka!” [CLAIMED! Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, @Reaganfan78]
  7. “LEMON GANACHE!” [CLAIMED! Joker’s Asylum II: Harley Quinn @ComoChingadosNo]
  8. “I mean, really, he is the perfect child for the busy career woman. Low maintenance. No sleep deprivation. They don’t live long enough to borrow the car.” [CLAIMED! Birds of Prey, “Three Birds and a Baby” @Noyo]
  9. “This boldly goin’ where no one wants ta be is makin’ me hungry.”
  10. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! We- we killed him! …Oh, well.” [CLAIMED! The New Batman Adventures, “Holiday Knights” @Reaganfan78]
  11. “Sweet Superman’s balls! I got sent back in time!” [CLAIMED! Harley’s Little Black Book #4 @Noyo]
  12. “I want a lawyer! I want a doctor! I want a cheese sandwich!” [CLAIMED! Superman: The Animated Series, “World’s Finest” @Noyo]