
Titans with him the Doom Patrol episode is great. It can show that a show that’s supposed to be dark, can also really fun.


I am so happy you are enjoying it, @bryerbarton! :slight_smile:

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This show just gets better and better each episode. Loved “Doom Patrol”.

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Only issue I had was the Doom Patrol getting over Raven breaking Chief’s back so easily. It was pretty much, no big deal. Have a good day.


They probably know Chief was in the wrong and provoked her but are still staying to be loyal because they owe him and aren’t on their own in the world compared to Gar

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That’s a good point, I honestly didn’t even think of that I was just so excited that I was seeing the Doom Patrol in live action. I love this show though can’t wait to do a rewatch of all of them. Especially when they’ve all aired and I can binge em straight thru.