Titans Season Three Discussion - Contains Spoilers!

A fellow dissenter? I actually felt this episode was a bit of an improvement over the last one though. At least we spent some more time with characters not named Dick or Jason, and the tone wasn’t as dour as the last one. Still holding out hope for some action and excitement involving the Titans, as a team, in costume, doing hero stuff. The show’s start was very promising that way… hope they’re building back up to that by season’s end.


Poor Tim. :sob:

Also, it was interesting to see Gar start to shift as he was yelling at Dick for being reckless. We’ve seen him instinctively shift whenever his friends/loved ones are getting hurt (and doing whatever it takes to “stop” the hurting, even if it’s against his own will), so I took this scene as Gar seeing Dick indirectly hurt himself and getting extremely protective about it, because it once again boils down to “you’re hurting my friend”.

At first I couldn’t imagine how much anger he had to have felt at the situation to lose control like that, but then when I thought about it, I realized that he has been having to pick up the pieces for everybody else as of late, so I think that that was a good example of a small “breaking point” to show how that anger could have boiled from Gar’s own stress of trying to maintain the peace and keep everyone on the same page/safe while Dick goes off on his own, purposely disrupting what Gar’s trying to establish between all of them. It must’ve felt like a personal attack from two angles.

Gar’s just really, really too good for this world. :cry:


I liked the latest episode. I thought it was fun and interesting to see the dynamics between everybody especially with Blackfire around now. I did find it interesting that Barbara and Dick knew each other before she was Batgirl. So now I want to know more about how she became Batgirl and when and how she got attacked by Joker.

The ending surprised me. I was not expecting what happened with Tim and his family so now I want to see how me starts to fit in.

Still waiting for Rachel to come back…


Fun episode.

Liked seeing the Titans do more together in this. Very nice.

The flashback were cool. Rebellious Dick and Babs. Nice story with them. And Babs fight scene at the end. Very awesome™:+1:. Really liked that. But Dick and her still seem to have some baggage. Lady Vic was cool. Nice fighting from her interested to see more. And the sword scene with BB was cool.

The rest of the team dealing with Balckfire. Her interactions wit SF are great. The fun love hate relationship.

Kory leading while Dicks away and telling him like it is when he been going routine a lot lately.

Connor very cool. Fun stuff with BF. Using both his Lex and Supes side. And he got to redeem himself firm hawk for a bit. Nice.

BB being his helpful self. Trying to help everyone and just doing what he does.

Jason getting tired of following Crane but sadly leads to Tim’s parents death. Poor Tim.

Can Jason ever be redeemed? Can the team stop Scarecrow? What he planning? All this and more Same Titans Time Same Titans Channel


I posted on the wrong thread earlier but I CAN’T BELIEVE I finally saw a live-action Lady Vic!!! Idk that she’s even ever been animated b4? The absolute last character of my lesser knowns (whom I love) that I thought would never even get a name drop is now a character. I’m holding my breath hoping for the mask. It’s so unique it’s like a tri-bid, Domino, Cowl, & Goggles.


Has anyone else noticed Red Hood’s voice modulator makes him sound a lot like Jensen Ackles?


I sure did :grin:


Yeah that’s what I was thinking too…?


Me with this show every episode, season, every time I see itimage

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its entertaining.


anyone else hoping for a pure Bruce episode so we can see what he is doing with his forced retirement? I picture him with Selina on a beach in Hawaii.


The lies… THE LIES

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Bringing back the positive mood, 'cause why not? (I mean somebody has to do it). As always… I enjoyed it. Love seeing more Titans team action, loved the way they brought ‘Oracle’ into this universe, and Blackfire finally got her character’s suit… AWESOME!

Also, for those who notice the acting for Blackfire, part of me wonders if that is intentional. We know that BF has her past, so I wonder if they thought she should have a cold, guarded stature and this is why she acts the way she does. Just my thoughts though.


This :point_up_2:

It was a really good episode. Great action, good amount of time dedicated to different characters, and some positive developments, for a change. Loved it.


Awesome™:+1: episode

Oracle is interesting in this. Reminded me if ceribro in x men :sweat_smile:.

Scarecrow thought he had it all. Got Jason back for what he did. And then to Freeze old ice cream hang out (which was cool).

Star and BF go on an adventure. Killed some mobsters. And learn of BF’s backstory. Interesting. Wonder if she’ll join for more seasons (or maybe take starts role in the hopeful Outlaw spin off :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:). She gets her suit which is cool and Superboys reaction was great :laughing:.

Then the big team fight was great. Cool use of skill and powers. And krypto’s back. Nice.

They celebrate the win and Dick Babs complicated relationship continues. Cool.

Beast Boy on the case. His impersonating what Jason would say was fun :laughing:. Found Molly. Interesting :thinking:.

Will Molly help Beast Boy? Will Jason betray Scarecrow? What about Tim? All this and more Same Titans Time Same Titans Channel


I love everything DC too. But, don’t doubt yourself on this one. I have no idea why there are so many negative comments. I think no matter how good u make something, someone’s always waiting just to be the opposite guy. Probably just missed the punk movement, grunge etc.- & there’s nothing left to rebel against anymore. So, they hate everything that’s universally loved & just wanna be different. Find creative ways to set yourself apart. Instead of hating whatever’s popular, join a movement. There’s a lot of minorities being killed for no reason, use your negative energy to positively rebel against that. Also don’t get why anyone would keep posting about how much they hate something on the very thread that discusses it every week. If u really hate it, why are u watching & following threads that discuss it. If u truly hate it u probably haven’t watched it or commented on it. Or just commented once & said it’s not my thing. That’s fine, than follow a thread discussing what u 𝐃𝐎 like. Not constantly badger one u supposedly hate, yet can’t stop watching & commenting on? Doesn’t add up. We’re on season 3. If u don’t like it, u should know by now :smiley: just using common sense.




Ok, I was a day late watching this week but I finally got to it.

Great episode! Solid character work all around.

Blackfire’s backstory is a big change from the comics (I’m pretty sure, right? Haven’t read a lot of Starfire) But she seemed sincere and for now I believe her. We’ll see if she decides to hang with the team or not.

I’m not a fan of her and Connor though. That might be because I just know Connor’s character more and there is a serious age difference between the two characters. But I guess there is a serious age difference between Connor and everyone sooo… :woman_shrugging:

Connor is slowly figuring himself out and I love it. He is way too hard on himself though. He could have grabbed Dick and gotten them both away from the blast but instead he throws Dick away and stands in the blast so that he can feel his failure to not save that man… I just… :sob:

Gar is trying to be a little detective and it is working. Maybe he shouldn’t be knocking on people’s doors at 3am but he’s trying and that’s what counts. Plus, he can do partial transformations now!

Dick and Babs are able to, mostly, work together. Oracle was very Brother Eye or Cerebro like. I assume that will definitely come back to be a very very bad thing later. The voice made me think of Alfred, I wonder if that is why they did that.

Scarecrow seemed really surprised that his plan got crashed. He really didn’t think they would figure it out? He left a trail of dead bodies. He tied up his best body guard. I assume he has something else planned, but he really did seem to be running scared so I’m not sure. This guy had all the mobsters in Gotham in his hand but couldn’t figure out that the Titans would find him in a 24 hour period? It just doesn’t add up to me.

Poor Jason. I hope he has done some soul searching in the last day. He got played, hard. Hopefully, Gar and Molly will help him out.

I almost forgot. Dang, Starfire! I didn’t really expect her to straight up murder that lady but I guess she deserved it.

Ok, sorry for the long post but a lot happened and didn’t happen this week Tim??? and I had a lot of thoughts. :sweat_smile: See you all next week!


Blackfires back story is that she was always 2nd best at everything, & Koriand’r was always 1st. Especially in their fathers eyes. I’ll keep it short & leave out massive amounts. The summarization of Blackfire is that she’s 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 lying. The fool me once shame on me thing done ad nauseam. She only does something if it benefits her. That’s her comic background. As I said leaving massive amounts out. She was happy when Koriand’r was given to the Khunds to cease war on Tamaran. So, if they stick to the comic roots, she’s always scheming on how to improve her lot & if it effects Starfire negatively? Even better. Great summarizations tho. I enjoyed your reviews :smiley: :clap: :ok_hand:.