Titans, change my mind!

I think Wondergirl dies in the season finale, change my mind!

Is there anything in particular that you think makes her more likely to die? I can see how it would make sense thematically. Given how deeply Aqualad’s death affected her, it would make sense for her to get a reckless in fighting Deathstroke, or to sacrifice herself to prevent him from taking someone else’s life. But I could also see how it would make sense for, say, Hawk (given how he’s at such a low point, he might be inspired to go overboard on trying to be a hero) or Jason Todd (pretty much the same reasoning as Hawk, plus they might want to set up a Red Hood storyline) to do the same.

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I paused the trailer when the Titans were all together and she was missing but good call on Jason Todd because he wasn’t there either.

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