The Ultimate Guide to Batman Magazine Found At Walmart.

A couple nights ago, I was bobbing around in Walmart’s book section hoping to find their exclusive edition of the Shazam: Origins trade. No dice on that front.

However, I did see something in the magazine section that caught my eye as the Adam West, Ben Affleck and Christian Bale Batmen were peeking out at me. I pulled out the magazine in question to see what the dealio was and the dealio was the mag in the title of this thread.

There was a Superman 80th anniversary mag put out last year that is very similar to this one, so if you have that, then you have an idea of what to expect with this Batmag. Its packed with info on every medium the character has been in along with copious photos.

Price is $12.99 but it’s a nice 80th anniversary commemorative for Batman. Again, it’s titled “The Ultimate Guide to Batman” and at the top left of the cover is a gray Hollywood Story label, the West, Affleck and Bale Batmen, and “80th Anniversary Special” in a red circle on the right side of the cover. BTAS Batman is also standing over the “B” in Batman.

Go get it =)


I actually bought that when I found it!


Neato! What do you think of it? I haven’t read it in full yet. Just flipped through it.


Pretty interesting. I think there was a page or a few on the Joker so that was cool.

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Neat! I’m reading it in full now. It’s very good.

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