The Superman Thread

Action Comics #1047 was an enjoyable read and was a good intro to the Kal-El Returns story. In particular, I found the scenes with Metallo to be the most engaging. Seeing Corben with his sister humanized him in ways that he usually isn’t, and I really liked his reaction to Lex: “Get out. Get out. Get out.” Lex also mentioned John’s “service” to his country which signals that this is the former military man John Corben like his origins in Secret Origin and New 52’s Action Comics. I also liked that Superman is sticking up for Warworld’s refugees and plans to use their technology for a clean energy project. It shows that Superman is still dedicated to making the changes that he wasn’t able to make in the world before. You also got to love the Superman Family entourage that he took to the UN. Rolling deep, Kal. All in all, great start to the new storyline.


Just finished reading All-Star Superman for the first time! I really loved it, it captured the soul of everything I love about the character. My main issue was the way Lois was written (or, rather, not written).


I love All-Star Superman! It was one of the first stories I read that really made Superman one of my favorite characters.


Fun DC-related Roseanne fact: Darlene and David (Sara Gilbert and Johnny Galecki, respectively), were big comic book fans and aspired to be comic artists.

Eagle-eyed viewers will note a variety of actual DC comics and promotional posters in their bedroom, while assorted DC comics adorn the coffee table in the Conner’s living room.

Someone on Roseanne’s staff (be it cast or crew) was into DC, and it showed.

So, let’s talk Action #1047!

Like @TheCosmicMoth, I found it to be an engaging start to Kal-El Returns.

Moth hit most of the points I enjoyed the most, but I did want to point out David Lapham’s artwork in the back-up, especially the page with Superman and the Super-family behind him. That was one gorgeous piece of art, and then some.


Just wanted to recommend two videos by a youtube channel called Overly Sarcastic Productions that I think really get to the heart of what makes Superman an effective and interesting character.


@Vroom and @TheCosmicMoth already touched on Action 1047 and my sentiments pretty much echo theirs. I will add this, the art is fantastic. It’s nice to see Federici play with the classic suit vs the swords & sandals of the previous arc. Love this shot right here:


Every piece of Superman media needs at least one scene where Clark pretends to have trouble lifting something heavy.


Wrote some thoughts about Superman Space Age 2 in @Vroom’s thread here (some spoilers):


I haven’t read or even picked up this series…yet. My comic shop is having delivery issues and they still have a few issue 1s on hand for me to pick up at a later date…probably this weekend for when I need to get out of the house. Is this a good series? I don’t want to go to the spoiler zone just yet.


I think so. I don’t see Russell catering to a specific crowd here. His Superman has elements from the various incarnations of the character, but remains its own unique take. I think that’s what makes it an engaging read. There’s some character deconstruction, a pinch of comedy, just enough action to serve the story, and gorgeous artwork by Allred.


Very good.

I haven’t read Space Age #2 just yet, but while reading #1, I kept thinking “This is so good.” to myself on a repeated basis.

BTW, :fireworks: :sparkles: Happy DCUIversary :sparkles: :fireworks:, buddy! :partying_face:


Depends on the writer in what the character is and does. Granted, I feel people who get overly defensive about the character just fall back on the Donner film, nothing else. Hence, not noting the character predates the film by like 40 years.


Thanks @Vroom!


Even I like Space Age…


Great Cesar’s Ghost! That’s a awesome looking Perry White toy! :smiley: :00_daily_planet:


Well, you should. I mean its cool and you’re cool, so the two kind of go hand in hand. :superman_hv_4:


Its also one of the very few Perry White figures.

I just don’t get why more Perry figures don’t exist.

Anyone who says “A newspaper editor? What a boring action figure!” isn’t someone I’d kick it with.

Newspaper editors see plenty of action. Especially those who work for a great metropolitan newspaper.

Sure, Perry won’t be rumbling with Blackrock anytime soon (although, one’s imagination can see that he does), but having Perry say “We’ve got deadlines, people!” and “Lois, did you flunk English class?” is almost as fun as a rumble between super heroes and villains.

the room is silent

Well it is to me, so there! Nyah! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


If I ever get extremely rich, I’m going to have a room dedicated to building an action figure scale Metropolis. In that highly unlikely scenario, the Perry White action figure would be essential.


Are you going to put Lexcorp logos on everything?


You’re going to need someone who knows their action figures (DC and non-DC) to assist, so put me on the payroll good sir, and I’ll get right to work.

sits in front of the TV and channel surfs

What? Its Friday. I’ll get to work on Monday, but you can start paying me now, as I’m thinking of figures and ideas that you could incorporate into your layout. Trust me, it’ll be worth the dough. :wink:


Dream about it all night and charge for that.