The Superman Thread

With the size of those biceps I do not think she needs super strength to bend steel.

I seriously want that to happen in the comics. Lex is all excited about his red sun lamps, and he then realizes Superman is still a ridiculously buff guy who can snap him like a twig.


Yo! I’m not saying that she’s stronger than me… No one is saying that! …She’s just fearsome and I respect her…



Quit goofing off Clark. You got this.


That’s probably the greatest Luthor story ever told.


Horror traditionally isn’t my thing, either. Based on what’s been revealed so far, I’m not overly interested in Knight Terrors at this point.

I might snag the Superman-related tie-ins at least, but then again, I just might read 'em on Ultra and save the money for something else (Bronze Age-era Super-books in particular).

@TheCosmicMoth Could you…twiddles fingers together in a slightly nervous, yet humorous, fashion…please put in a good word for me, when you next see Miss Starr?


Uhhh… I mean… I could give it a shot in like a week or two, but she hasn’t really been speaking to me since she asked me to cat-sit and I accidentally farmed the job out to Tigress in disguise. How was I supposed to know? She was really enthusiastic and knowledgeable about cats… I feel like I made up for it when I came out of the rescue op with some frostbite courtesy of Icicle, Jr., but… Peej holds grudges.

You’d be better off asking Courtney.


twiddles fingers together in the same slightly nervous, yet humorous, fashion he did before

Well…how about sending a text her way that says “The Gotham-born Kryptonian says hi.” and then reporting back on her reply (if any)?

I mean, I didn’t farm-out a cat-sitting gig, so…:smile:

SN: How and precisely why would you farm that out, anyway? Cat-sitting is the best!

Paige needs to get past that, as grudges aren’t healthy.

IDK…whenever I’ve asked Court to put in a good word with Miss Starr in the past, she smiles and says “Why don’t you and Liberty Belle hang out, instead?” to which I say “I have a natural proclivity towards healthy Kryptonians and she isn’t a Kryptonian, so there you go.”

LB and I have commented on Al Pratt’s shorts though, because anyone who can kick ass in those things is a giant badass, no matter their preference for being labeled as “Atom”.


There is a reason Batman and Superman get me to catsit for them.


Alrighty, then…“Court” could you put in a good word for me with Miss Starr?

I’ll happily cat-sit with and/or for her, free of charge.

Hell, I’d clean her roof gutters out too and I know nothing about proper roof gutter maintenance…other than what Clark Grisworld showed the world in the whimsically delightful Christmas favorite titled National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.

Of course, Clark’s “gutter cleanse” unintentionally resulted in his neighbors Todd and Margo’s choice stereo system getting boned sadly, so…he just may not be an authority on proper roof gutter maintenance.

That’s going-on 34 years ago though and Margo and Todd have long, long since replaced that sound array with something better and away from any windows any unintentional “Gris Biz” may come into contact with.

SN: I bet Clark Kent is a big fan of Clark Griswold and not just because of their shared first names.


Courtney, you’re still wearing your Batman cosplay.


Yes, I will put in the good word. KAren is not going to punch me.

He prefers Elf. The flying scene makes him very happy, and he relates to Buddy being so different from his adopted people.

Do I pull off the Black costume well enough?


I think actual colors suit you better!


Yes, I am not a big fan of when the historical colorers draw my suit so dark.

I get what they are going for, a star on a black sky, but actual stars do not look like the 7/8 on my costume, and it is modeled after the flag of the best country ever, not the night sky.


:us: :saluting_face:




How? Craigslist. Why? …You ever smell that cat??? No thank you to a week of that!

See? Courtney is a much better option!


Well, he may like Elf (most do, after all) but in my heart of Gotham-born Kryptonian hearts, I feel my fellow Kryptonian likes Christmas Vacation as I do: The best Christmas comedy of all time.


There is a reason I always get her to batsit for me.


You know what they say about Craigslist…

No, but come on, how bad can Miss Starr’s cat smell?

What does it do, roll around in its filth?

Cats are very stringent in their cleanliness, so I doubt (nay, refuse to believe) Paige’s cat is the exception.


Well, Karen sent me a text that said and I quote “Yeah, you can come over and cat-sit. The cabinet’s full of Doritos and there’s a ton of Grape Soder in the fridge, so have at it while I’m gone.”

Have at it whilst cat-sitting I shall, thank you. :superman_hv_4: