The Sandman: Official Series Discussion (Spoilers!)

Right, what does that have to do with Lucifer? Lucifer wants to take over the universe, villain, not just antagonist.

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As cool as the “fight” was… I don’t fully understand the mechanics of it. If nothing beats hope, couldn’t you just start with that and win :joy:? Or do you have to build up to it somehow? Some folks mentioned D&D; I’m not familiar with how it works, but I’m guessing there’s rules at play.


Apparently in the comics Dream voices over his realization that the green demon, evidently he didn’t fight Lucifer in the comics, only uses offensive attacks, so he went the defensive route with hope so the show did the same here.

I don’t play D&D, but from what I’ve seen from shows you say what you are to beat enemies and stuff, like Dream and Lucifer did.



He actually fights Choronzon in the comics, and he uses a defensive strategy to win the fight. My general understanding is that you must build off of your opponent’s previous attack…so if your opponent says “I am a Dire Wolf”, you can’t jump straight to “I am hope”, as that would be a non sequitur.

Each move must counter the previous move, and it seems like each attack typically comes with two qualifiers (Ex: “I am a hunterhorse -mounted , wolf-stabbing.”). So in a sense, it’s kinda D&D, kinda Chess…but a wonderful scene in both the comic and the show!


I read some spoilers for the end of rhe season, and you completely misread the scope and intent of where the story leaves Lucifer, as she’s looking to exact revenge against Dream specifically, which puts her in opposition to him and makes her potential actions antagonistic but not necessarily or automatically villainous.

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Starting with “I am hope” isn’t an automatic game ender. Only if your opponent hesitates or can’t think of a response (lack of imagination). I would have said “I am a Knicks fan- hope devouring, soul crushing”.




As we all know by now, there is no such thing as expendable or “throw away” dialogue. Once said, that word or phrase will forever live on in the either of the Multiverse. Just waiting for someone like me, to reach back and pull it out of Limbo, with a “yeah, but remember when he said …” There are those of you out there, who may love where I’m going next. And others who may not. Doesn’t matter, I’m going there anyway.

Remember when Roderick Burgess, the British Warlock, in a failed attempt to capture Death, wound up with Dream instead? And how that spell (which required very special things) went awry? Well, one of those things, was a “feather from an Angel.” But now, with Sandman once again in the spotlight (thanks to Netflix), I just gotta ask … where does one get a feather from an Angel?

Has Neil or any other writer attached to that universe, ever answered that question? If so, I missed it. Could it be that the Angel’s feather, was not genuine? Or, that it came from a “fallen” Angel? And because of that, the spell took an unexpected “turn” which forever changed the DCU, we know today. Just curious. :slightly_smiling_face:


Finished season one. Really enjoyed it overall. Really hope we get a season 2 confirmation soon!


If we don’t get a season 2 & 3 & 4 & 5, I’ll cry. :sweat_smile: Seriously it’s one of those shows where you just want to keep watching more and more and more, sinking deeper and deeper into the universe.


My fortune teller says we will get 999 seasons.


a 'verse like this offers so many possibilities, and a lot of interpretations which will be fascinating to see.


Really good question! I’m not sure if Gaiman ever addresses this, but I’d like to know too!


in the Lucifer comic book series there ARE some answers about what can happen to an angel’s wings if PLOT THINGS happen, so there’s a lot of room for speculation there too.


Here’s some awesome Sandman trivia from our good friend @wrightline1.42741!

While prowling around on YouTube (as I tend to do in the early morning hours), I was struck by a piece on Captain Atom. Specifically, Capt. Atom #42 (vol.2), 1990. A story I’d read 30+ years ago, and all but forgotten. And what pray tell (you’re asking), has any of that to do with our beloved Sandman? Well, glad you asked.

You see, it contained one of those rare (outside of the Gaiman/Sandman universe) appearances of Death, interacting In the super-hero world of the DCU. Yes, she also appeared with Element-girl in Sandman #20. Which is why I identified her appearance here as “rare.” And at the time, somewhat controversial.

Neil understandably has parental, almost proprietary feelings for his characters, and doesn’t wish to see them “misused” (however well intentioned), by other writers. In that Death was presented here as “an aspect” of death, along with the Black Racer (who also appears). It was this “aspect” connotation that Gaiman found problematic, as presented by writers Cary Bates and Greg Weisman.

Anyway, just thought I’d throw out that bit of Sandman trivia, for your consumption. For those of you interested enough to seek it out (it’s part 2 of a 3 part story, #41-43). I found it both interesting and entertaining, as I believe this was Death’s first appearance (outside of Vertigo) in the regular DCU.


With the whole Omni-verse stuff, everything is canon

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Have you heard the news? Theres more Sandman to watch! A new two-part episode just dropped today on Netflix:




In researching the Corinthian before this posting, I was amazed at how much Sandman’s origin story from Preludes & Nocturnes I’d forgotten. Specifically, how much of DC’s super-hero community was incorporated into that story. Along with the supernatural hosts from House of Mystery and Secrets, as well as their secondary casts. Understandably, Gaiman did this of course, to try and reach those readers who only gravitated to the cape 'n cowl titles. Hoping to hook them on something a little more “cerebral.” He succeeded admirably! But I digress.

From what I’ve learned about this walking nightmare (who had escaped the Dreamworld prior to Morpheus imprisonment), leads to some interesting areas of “what if …?” For more than 100 years, the Corinthian roamed the Earth. He played havoc with all those he encountered, in his quest to rule the waking world. During that time, there was no Sandman to stop him. But there were others in the world, to challenge him.

Some armed with weapons, to supplement their own knowledge and skills. Others, with powers and abilities " far beyond those of mortal men." There were also other evils at large on the planet. With their own plans for world domination. What if … well, you fill in the blank. The door has always been unlocked to that room of story possibilities. I for one, can only hope that some writer sees what I see, and will run with it.

Stay safe, be well.


Finished the season and it was awesome™:+1:. Never read it before so this was all new to me but did have some light knowledge of endless and such from DC in general but it was great. Hooked from the beginning.

Gregory’s part was very sad. The dinner episode was crazy. Constantine was great. Be cool if she got a spin off. Just like Dee I was interested in watching those people :sweat_smile:. My favorite episode is 6. His and Death’s dynamic was great with fun and sweet moments. But really liked the trips through history. Seeing how the world changed was crazy. Also liked how the immortal guy enjoyed life even at the lowest points. Something not normally scene. The end saga with the vortex was great. Nice story with a cool ending. Corinthian was a great villain. Really cool.

The visuals were beautiful and the music was great.

The bonus episode was great too. The cat one was fun. Looking forward to cats ruling the world :sweat_smile:. And the book one was great too. Very nice story. Also cool to Rip from legends again. And also found the muse’s actress also played Cassandra in Assassins Creed Odyssey which was pretty cool.

Overall an amazing show. Hoping for S2​:crossed_fingers:. Definitely have to get to reading the comics.