The Richard Wakeman Email: Real Or Not?

Several people, including myself, have received an email from him about an expenses paid get together occurring soon.

Thing is, there’s suspicion about it being a scam (as noted on Discord and the Office Hours thread in the Watchtower).

The question is: Is this a legitimate thing?


If they are seeking any personal info it is probably a scam.

I just read the watchtower thread and people are saying it is legit

It’s legit :slight_smile:


No, no personal info or request for money. I don’t have the email handy ATM, but it was details about a get together later this month on DCU’s behalf.

Sounds interesting and if it’s real, then great. Just looking for confirmation that (as NicholJoker said) “it is legitimate.”.


@Vroom, I have spoken about this a lot this morning with Applejack - this is 100% legit.


Okay. Just wanting to be safe and sure. Thanks for the replies mods =)

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Are recipients randomly selected or hand picked? Cause I havent recieved anything and it feels personal

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@Zombedy, We wish we could invite everyone! Unfortunately, we were only able to go with a very, very small amount of people (less than 20). To ensure fairness, we invited only those who were first selected as community heroes within the first 2 months of launch (September/October), and had maintained good behavior practices since that time.


I’m too controversial, got it😉


Only vanillas allowed. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
You were selected in January, Zombedy! C’mon now


So were most of the Wakeman recipients! Lol You’re right though, I guess I never said thank you for that either. Thank you. Especially for Thrillkiller and the 25th anniversary Knightfall tpb. Maybe next time

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So who all will be in attendance? Will Harley’s Puddin’ be brandishing a shiny crowbar?

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I may have an engagement on that day in Gotham, but if that falls through I will certainly be there.

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Hey, that’s great. Will you make coffee for me this time? :wink:

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You bring the Burritos and I’ll make the coffee. :slight_smile:

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Ya got a microwave in the office?

I got the email, and I hope I’ll see you all there!

To no one in particular:

“I’ll see you at StacyCon '94!”

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Vroom this call for a celebratory dinner at mendis! Get the swordfish!!! Is that the trip to wondercon? Have a blast my man! Keep us all updated in your adventures