Test of a Warrior: Wonder Woman's Greatest Battles

Like all the great figures of myth, Wonder Woman has been many things to many people. An ambassador of peace. A champion of truth. But also, in her own way, a 100% certified ass-kicker. She may not always resort to combat, but when she does, any enemy who would dare to stand in the way of her mission is up for a showdown of truly epic proportions. Starting with Wonder Woman’s life after Crisis on Infinite Earths, we offer you a look at ten of Diana’s greatest battles.

2002: Wonder Woman vs. Batman

Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia is the first of three battles in a row on this list written by Greg Rucka, none of which could be omitted from a highlight of Diana’s greatest victories. In The Hiketeia, Batman and Wonder Woman come to ideological odds over the fate of a wanted girl, bringing them into direct conflict for the first time (dragon-centric graphic novels notwithstanding). The results of that conflict can be plainly witnessed on the book’s now iconic cover.

Sorry, Bruce. Turns out that even with all the prep time in the world, there are some fights you just can’t win.

To see our full list of Wonder Woman’s greatest battles, head over to DC Comics!

Which battle do you think is Wonder Woman’s greatest? Let us know in the comments! :point_down:




Awesome article. Includes many of my favorite moments (yes, 3 Greg Rucka stories is always a win for me). The only one of these I haven’t read is the Big Barda story - adding it to my list! :grin: :00_wonder_woman_stars:

Honestly, WW is easily my fav of the big three :wonderwoman: :0_wonder_woman: