Teen Titans Go Take on Doom Patrol

Since Hulu only has Teen Titans Go up to season four, I have only been able to find out about this through clips on Youtube, but apparently, Beast Boy recently reunited with the Doom Patrol, and I think the show’s take on the team looks pretty cool (though no sign of Crazy Jane, unless Negative Girl is replacing both her and Negative Man). And Rita is still sooooo cute. But what does everyone else think?


I think it’s adorable. Robot Man gets really weird with Cyborg though.


I love those episodes. Love Beast Boy in his Doom Patrol costume.

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And what is the deal with Negative Girl? I understand Negative Man and Negative Woman, but this is a little girl. What could her origin story be? Maybe it’s Niles being Niles with his crazy, borderline dangerous experiments.

Anyway, that’s what’s up, yo!

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I read the 1st part of that in Jerry Seinfeld’s voice. It was automatic. Idk, I know how we got to negative woman but girl sounds like the Chief to me too.

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How about the scene where, in order to block Beast Boy’s way, Rita shapes herself into a wall? I know Crazy Jane thought Rita was rather square, but this is ridiculous.