Why DC??? Don’t blame South Carolina for this. This show had something special going and your bean counters will ruin it AND it just looks bad on sooooooo many PR levels. Bad bad bad.

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We understand that these rumors are frustrating and upsetting, @RobertScorpio, and do sincerely appreciate you reaching out to us. The passion and enthusiasm we see from fans like you make this community so much fun.

Due to the sensitivity of these rumors, we wanted to offer some answers to questions that you might have. We posted a thread in the Watchtower which explains more about Swamp Thing, and you can read more here: https://www.dcuniverse.com/community/boards/watchtower/swamp-thing-update-2

If you have any concerns that haven’t been answered, please feel free to leave a comment on the Watchtower thread and it’ll be answered just as soon as possible. We’re going to try to consolidate any information and answers in that thread.