Swamp Thing Cancelled

What do you mean Swamp Thing is looking great??? IT JUST GOT F***ING CANCELED!!!
You seriously don’t think there’s a correlation between this and the fact that Doom Patrol hasn’t been renewed? This is a carbon copy of what Netflix did to their Marvel shows. They canceled Iron Fist (which was the most recent season of the set of shows) and they canceled Luke Cage exactly one week later. Luke Cage had come out months before, just like Doom Patrol. Expect a Doom Patrol cancellation announcement very soon.
Believe me, I don’t want it. I loved both DP and ST, Titans pleasantly surprised me, and Outsiders Part One sucked, but they set up what could be an amazing Part Two. But clearly AT&T wants to get rid of the service and set up their new one.


Well I don’t like horror so I wasn’t gonna watch the show any way but I’m still angry And confused But nobody should cancel there subscription because of it. Also they won’t cancel YJ that would be idiotic but is this really true?

Also there is so many great things on the Servise and they won’t cancel DP or YJ because they’re doing great

@TheBronxBatman: You can’t blame a guy for not putting trust in what appears at first glace to be merely rumors propagated by a small website that might just be posting things for the LOLS and clicks. I honestly prefer to get my information from the horse’s mouth so to speak because all to many times even supposed “legit” sites have been known to pass on faulty information.


@yoyofroyo… are you on the ATT/WB payroll? Or are you really that much in denial?

@batmanforever1983 Yeah the mods are incompetent. In their announcement of the upcoming movies and shows of June and July 2019, they mentioned how SDCC was super close. Which was clearly a tease for some sort of WB/DC Universe panel there. And WB isn’t even attending.
The mods have no idea what the hell is going on. Don’t believe a word they say. Don’t believe anyone unless WB or DC itself puts out a press release.

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@Jasontodd really ? Okay… :man_shrugging:t4::man_facepalming:t4:

So ST has been canceled but nothing else witch is great

Doom Patrol is so G. Swamp Thing has so much potential. Mini series it then give us a deadman and Constantine minis to tie into a Dark Justice League mega episode.

&Dannysisk the mods have been great and helpful so far

I rememeber the mods saying the cancelation to productions were just rumors. Nope it was all true they stopped and canceled it.

Lmfao, dread it, run from it, destiny still arrives


That’s crazy but I think understand there just restructuring nothing else is getting that I’m almost positive about

Cinemablend said they had a source that confirmed Swamp Thing is cancelled. I can’t believe a show would get cancelled after airing 1 episode. I do hope that DC Universe makes an official announcement soon to clarify what’s going on.

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The swamp thing cancelation is the only thing I haven’t liked in dc Universe so far


This sucks, but I can get over this. What worries me more is the prospect of losing the DCU service in general. If it ends up getting folded into the AT&T service as some speculate it may, I can see them keeping Doom Patrol and Titans, but losing the library of animated shows, films, and comic books would be terrible.
I know it’s not DCU’s fault, I’m sure the good people working to maintain and improve this service are taking this harder than anyone.

The future doesn’t look bright here.

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TVline posted about this, which is more than just a blogger.

@TheBronxBatman: I was referring to the first place that announced it, which looked exactly like one those sites that was making such an announcement only to rile people up. There are far to many clickbait-y sites out there so no I didn’t trust that one and I didn’t trust it because they didn’t bother to cite a source for their information so that put their “news” in the category of an unsubstantiated rumor. I in particular don’t automatically believe news coming out of websites I’ve never even heard of because I don’t know whether they are a credible source or not. Now that I see other places picking me up I believe it could be true but because of where it first was announce I still have doubts.

If you wanted to believe every rumor that comes out then that’s up to you but like I said prefer to hear things like this from the actual source (DC, DC Universe, WB) not from outside websites that can have a tendency toward rumor mongering .

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I am calling it right not this is folding in a year. People we get hustled, we got taken advantage of they are laughing at us because we gave them our hard earn dollars with the belief that we would get something amazing and this move today has me believing the days are numbered for this app. I’ll take it a step further I believe the decision has already been made.