Supergirl Suit Poll!

Yeah, that’s the thing that irked me the most. There’s too much blue. I think the new suit would look better if they broke up the colors a bit. I think it was a good idea for the show writers to change her suit later in the series. It represents her growth as a hero and a person. The skirt represents femininity and youth. The addition of pants in her new suit symbolize maturity (even if she still is prone to stuffing her face with potstickers).


I just have to say this but classics are always the best i mean look at flash s1 suit vs his armageddon suit



I understand what you’re saying here, and I totally get why anyone would like the idea of the skirt.

However, for me, and this is just my opinion, I think that whenever people think of “girls’ clothing”, they think of skirts and/or dresses. I do like her S1 costume better, but I just think that we, as a whole, need to get past the idea most guys should wear different things than what most girls wear and vice versa.

I think when people see a girl who’s so influential and powerful wearing a skirt, it kinda solidifies the idea that girls wear skirts, and guys wear shorts/pants (for some people, not for everyone). I think that, especially in the world we live in today, these thoughts are the last thing we need.

Again, this is just my personal opinion.

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I actually didn’t like the red symbol lol.


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I’m looking and I still say the current Flash suit is easily the best looking one. Of course S1 had the advantage in pretty much every other category overall, but the current suit still looks absolutely amazing


Then let’s promote some awesome kilt wearing male costumes! There are plenty of examples of men wearing skirt/dress/robe types of clothing in human cultures, so the DC universe should be able to support a good variety here and abroad. :slight_smile:

For example, in some pictures Kryptonians incorporated a lot of robes and draping clothes, so anyone remaining from that culture could embrace similar costumes.


i’d be fine with that!