Superboy (Conner Kent/Kon-El) Appreciation Thread

Could live at the fortress with kelex,they were talking kinda like that in the speed force series


i think its within conners nature to flip flop between the two
and live at both
because hes clearly got stuff to love at both locations

i think conner is a chill free spirited dude who lives with the kents but will sleep anywhere after hero work as conner still does need to sleep

the black S despite being accidental on anything not black shirt superboy works so well

im saying its typically an accident when its put on him when hes wearing the jacket
not that his shirt is bad as thats the preferred conner look for me

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apparently it was bendis’s choice to bring back the leather jacket for kon

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preview panel
is he legally required to be described in this way despite dc barely ever doing anything with it ?

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what if conner brought the lady from gemworld to prime earth so she could live more peacefully with her child
even if conner doesnt still live with them like he did in gemworld i feel it would be a nice gesture to bring her to earth

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hope john timms gets to try to draw the current conner design
for a cover or interior

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kon jamal campbell

i think jamal campbell is a sleeper agent kon fan
he does a good job on something artists keep forgetting about too

making his kon look like clark but not too much like him (physically hes meant to look like clark regardless of dna but for the reader he should look different enough while still being similar)


It’s probably because of the current event. Just a reminder that half the reason this event is happening. Is because the writer likes to explore old stuff that never really got dealt with. Such as Lex’s daughter being made into a Brainiac.


A different time


not a good time sadly
this was a book that didnt treat the characters the best
who knew that it could get worse
at least that book didnt say anita was a villain though

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by the way
other than like 1 cover and casual clothing (which doesnt matter to this conversation because im bringing up the supersuit) i dont think we have seen conners current outfit without the jacket

do you think hes still short sleeved ?

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Oh yeah they really messed stuff up,but i just posted this for his intro tag,cause you posted the one above


God would that suck if they did get rid of them.




for his powers being negated his combat is still impressive
so is the art
mendoca does a good job


got help with superboys vsbattle page
costume images got updated and i think it mentions his emp usage of his ttk on there

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however it seems people are confused and theres a possibility of him needing a new page despite superboy being unchanged from post crisis

but hopefully he doesnt need a new page because that would probably be complicated

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Screenrant did soke puff pieces on kon this week.its a good thing on a week where there is no new kon news


what if he actually puts a gun in that pouch but it gets used to channel his ttk into energy
he can already do telekinetic energy blasts as shown in dark crisis young justice and superboy man of tomorrow
but he could learn to channel it better by using ttk and having a weapon absorb it and then he could use it in battle

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