sorry I have been inactive

I have not been very active recently and 1 is because there are about 5 days left in school so I’m trying to finish that and then i will be back, and I got arkham knight recently and it is REALLY GOOD


We’re glad to have you back, @YourWorstNightmare! I don’t believe we’ve actually met quite yet, please correct me if I’m wrong a stray memory spell might have clipped me, but I am excited to get to know you. :slight_smile:


We all understand. I had been pretty inactive also in the last few weeks due to school, but I just got out yesterday. Good luck with finals and such :smiley:

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Hey, welcome back! School takes precedence, so good job in prioritizing things.

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Yeah we had snow days so we would be out by now unfortunately. My last day is a half day on next MONDAY, meaning I have this weekend, the next week, that next weekend, then go back to school for one final half day. Kinda sucks

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Me too! The snow days increased the year by a week. So I end next week


Not really new to the dc universe but new to the community. That is why I have not been in the community on here that much. So I get it. Arkham knight is awesome.

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Is this another teenager thread?


Shhhhh play it cool!


@Misfit I will leave that one to the imagination

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Welcome to the community :smiley: