Something's Missing: The Stargirl Edition

Though the premier is still some time away, fans are getting revved up now!

Check out all of the amazing Stargirl content right here on DCU to get to know a little bit more about our “Stargirl”.

Whether you’re reading her origin story in “Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E.,” catching her in action in “Justice League United” or simply reading her write-up in the DCU Encyclopedia, there’s plenty to browse to get you ready to dive right into 2019’s tv series, “Stargirl”.


And in the spirit of the fun-loving Stargirl, here’s an activity for you guys to enjoy!

See which one of you can find all 20 differences first, in this month’s posting of “Something’s Missing: The Stargirl Edition!”

-Go ahead and download the image.
-Use your tool of choice to circle each difference you find.
-Post your completed image right here on the thread!

First user to submit gets ALL of the bragging rights this time!

If you don’t want the fun spoiled, try your best to NOT peek at the submitted answers!

Happy Hunting! :blush:


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Love this image! How do I download it, so that I can do the activity?

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Hey, @LadyWonder, it would depend on the type of device you’re accessing the forums with, but if using your computer, you can go ahead and right-click on the image (you can maximize it first if you want, but it should be possible on the minimized picture, too) and select “save image as,” saving it to your hard drive.

Then you can use Paint or another program to circle what you need to and use the service of your choice to post your picture as your normally would :slight_smile: Please let us know if the download feature doesn’t work for you, though!