Something to Think About When Worrying About the Future of DC Universe

Warner media has ripped away another piece of DC universe streaming app. It’s becoming harder and harder to justify the expense of this app.

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Well, we finally got our update. DC Universe Infinite…
Solely will be comic books only and for an additional 4.99 we’ll be able to get the HBOMax… if we subscribe before Oct. 30th. I will be giving this a deep thought.


I’ll bet that is only a limited time deal, and after like the first year they will charge us more. I don’t even pay for HBO, but my dad does. :smile:

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They said the offer expires in October, so the offer is limited, Do agree it probably won’t be that price for max indefinitely.


They betrayed all of us who believed in this.

Believed in what?


The streaming service

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Yes .

then just keep your payment info up to date if you are already an annual member

Yeah. It looks like I’ll be able to do a yearly when it flips to Infinite. I’m glad, I hate monthly subs.

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Though I am NOT pleased that I won’t be able to read comics on my tv with my Roku. Leave the comics app on Roku please.




Guessing there is some behind the scenes reason for that, or else their numbers show not enough people read the comics on Roku to warrant continuing to keep it on there. But if possible I do also hope they re-consider. I will miss that almost as much as the video content.


Indeed. I like reading on my Kindle or phone, but something about reading comics on my tv/roku setup at home makes me very happy. I feel as though after years/ decades of comics being a luxury there was no money for, that I’ve "arrived "somehow. Comics big, bold, bright…on my TV. It’s as if Galadriel is saying, "The World has Changed " in the best way. I will miss it.


Yeah, that stinks


Here we are, exactly two years later. HBO Max still has not absorbed this service.


thoughts now?

It absorbed the streaming shows

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