Smallville Unauthorized Episode Guide


The Torch receives a large donation from a wealthy benefactor impressed with the reporting the small school paper has done over the years. Chloe is a little miffed that she won’t get to reap the rewards since graduation is just around the corner. After meeting the rich man, Clark thinks he looks just like the famous poet Edgar Allen Poe. After strange happenings drive Clark to investigate further, we discover it is in fact EAP, problem is, he’s a vampire. Poe became a vampire long ago, and after a period of monstrous behavior, has found a way to live peacefully. The cast of Buffy arrive ready to take down Poe, but come to blows with Clark who is protecting him. Thanks to Clark’s advocacy, Buffy and her friends decide to help Poe in his quest to be a good vampire, and take him out if he ever strays.

:man_vampire: :man_vampire: :man_vampire: